Chapter 13: A Dreamless Night

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"Good news! Your Pokemon have made a full recovery and are ready for you now!" The pink-haired woman behind the counter handed back a tray containing Quilladin and Fletchling's poke balls. She smiled encouragingly as Elizabeth slowly reached for them.

"Thank you," the blond said, tucking her Pokemon into her pockets and stuffing her hands in as well, shuffling anxiously from foot to foot.

Nurse Joy simply nodded. "Of course! You know, your Pokemon are incredibly well cared for. It's obvious you love them very much."

Elizabeth gave her a small smile. Seeing her hesitancy, Nurse Joy finally drew out a third Poke ball and handed it to her. "Do you know what you have here?"

"I do."

Nurse Joy nodded at her short reply. "Then I suggest you take extra good care of this. I...know it's none of my business but...your traveling companions don't know about this, do they?"

"No." Elizabeth glanced back at the laughing gang who had gathered around a table, laughing hysterically about something Serena was doing with Pancham. This was the first time she'd ever seen them goof off. For a brief moment, irritation flashed through her mind, but then she took a deep breath and pushed the thought away. They couldn't be serious all the time. They were just kids. They needed to have fun.

"Well," Nurse Joy straightened up. "In my experience, I've learned that sometimes, it's easier to tell the truth before it leaks out."

"Yeah," Elizabeth said with a sigh. "Well, if I tell them, I lose the only advantage I have and possibly the only one I'll ever want. Thanks anyway."

She twirled on her heels and headed towards the others, putting on a fake smile as she took a seat beside Bonnie who was leaning back dangerously in her chair. Grimacing, Elizabeth quickly grabbed a hold of the back of the seat and pushed it down onto all four legs. Bonnie frowned up at her for a moment but then looked back over at Serena who was brushing Pancham's fur.

"Hey, Elizabeth!" Ash laughed, looking up from feeding Pikachu and the others and smiling "Wanna join us for some special training after dinner?"

"No thank you, Ash," Elizabeth responded gently. "If it's all right with you, I think I might just skip dinner and go on to bed."

"Huh? Oh, yeah, sure." Ash turned back to Rowlet who had already scarfed its food down and was about to get into a brawl with Chespin for more. "Now don't you two start..."

"It's okay, Rowlet!" Bonnie piped up again, hurrying over to separate the two grass-types. "You can share with me! See?" She held up a part of her sandwich which Chespin immediately lunged for.

It missed and landed flat on its face.

Bonnie burst out laughing at the sight while the little Pokemon tried to collect itself, blushing red indignantly. "Now, now, Chespin! You should know by now not to do things like that!"

"Ches." It rubbed the back of its head sheepishly.

"You would think Chespin's ability was Gluttony!" Clemont chuckled, looking around a rather large volume at his Pokemon as it staggered back to its feet, scarlet with embarrassment. "I'd say you've learned your lesson now, haven't you?"

"Chespin ches!" It nodded quickly...right before it shot another glance at Rowlet munching peacefully on a part of Bonnie's sandwich. Clemont, seeing this, gave up, sighed, and went back to his book.

"Well, I think I'm going to hit the sack, you guys," Elizabeth announced, standing up and stretching exaggeratedly. "After all the excitement today, I'm bushed!"

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