"Wow!" Bonnie squealed, staring at all of Ash's new Pokemon like it was her birthday. "They are all so cute!" Rowlet blushed and began picking at a wing to hide its embarrassment and Torrecat purred contentedly at the praise.
Meanwhile, the older kids had gathered around a table in the park outside of Prism Tower. They had gone up to the gym but Clembot refused to let them in, claiming that he was not yet finished with his decorations for Ash and Serena's arrival. So, they had decided to wait it out and were eagerly listening as Ash jumped into a detailed description of the Alola Region.
"What?" Clemont was startled by the news. "You mean they don't have gyms in Alola?"
Ash shook his head. "And no league either. I know, it's so different than other regions." He looked at Pikachu. "We were surprised when we found out, weren't we, buddy?"
"Pik...a!" The Pokemon gave a nod of confirmation from its cluster of Pokemon friends which Bonnie had invaded.
"But we've grown a lot too," Ash added. "And when Serena showed up for a contest, we decided it would be a perfect time to stop back in Kalos and say hi."
"Well, we're glad you did," Clemont assured him. "It's great to see you both again. Right, Bonnie?" He looked pointedly at his little sister who had been too busy with the Pokemon to even come and join in on the conversation or ask them how their trip had been. "Bonnie? Bonnie, are you even listening to me?"
"Huh? What?" The blond asked, not paying attention in the least.
"I rest my case," the inventor groaned.
Serena laughed as he spread his arms helplessly. "So," she said. "What's been going on with the two of you? Other than catching Team Flare of course."
"Well, it's been pretty busy at the gym," Clemont explained. "In fact, a couple of trainers came in from Unova yesterday. And they were tough."
"Clemont beat them! " Bonnie piped up.
"Well done, Clemont!" Serena praised him.
The elder sibling blushed slightly at the praise and fiddled with his glasses. "I-it really was n-nothing. So, what are you planning to do while you're here?"
At the same time, Bonnie shouted. "How long are you staying?"
Ash and Serena looked at each other as though silently making an agreement. "A week," Ash answered for them both. "Then Serena's got to head back to Hoenn and I have to go back to school."
"You and Serena have to go to different regions?" Bonnie spoke up, ever the matchmaker. "How does that make you feel, Ash?"
Serena shot daggers through her glare at the little girl.
"What do you mean?" the raven-haired trainer asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
Bonnie and Serena deadpanned. Clemont and Ash looked at one another. "Did I miss something?" Ash asked, confused.
"YE..." Bonnie began but was quickly interrupted by Serena who leaped from her seat and clamped a hand over the blond's mouth.
"Bonnie, no!" Serena pleaded with her. "Don't tell him!" She looked up at the boys but they had gone back to their conversation.
"But why?" Bonnie twisted around as soon as Serena dropped her hand. "Don't you still like him?"
"Yes!" Serena hissed nervously. "And, all though I appreciate you trying to help, can you try and keep it a secret?"
"Of course!" Bonnie puffed out her chest proudly. "I am the best secret-keeper in the world! I know secrets that would make even Clemont's brain explode!"

Hasent and the Fire of Tecnicone | A Pokemon Fanfiction (Old Version)
Fanfic"There are Pokémon that wish to do good...and there are those who desire harm. The line between the two is often blurred and sometimes, it is only by great sacrifice that one can ever truly see the difference." ༒︎༒︎༒︎...