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Oh, well, hello there.

Welcome to my humble abode. 

I suppose you are here for a story, correct? Ah, yes, that would be a most reasonable assumption.

Alas, like many of my other works, I feel I must include this pre-note before our actual tale can begin if only to give you a small tidbit of information that I hope you can find useful as you begin your traversal of my imagination:

First off, allow me to make this disclaimer--I never really expected this fanfiction to come to light after the seventh grade. It was honestly the earliest story I was ever able to finish in its entirety, back when I was very new to writing and had literally no idea what I was doing. It has been hidden in the back of my computer for many many years now. If you want a more exact time, I was about 12 years old when I started watching Pokemon and then, shortly after, I wrote this fanfiction. I am now...much older than 12 and I have a very different writing style. 

However, sometimes it can do one good to look back at the place where it all started and where one discovered they had a passion for writing the tales and adventures they never saw on the screen (though, honestly, I think XYZ was the darkest pokemon arc in history, so, I can't complain too much). 

It can also be encouraging to newer writers who fear their writing isn't good enough or can't measure up. Let this be a lesson for you; no one who writes well started off writing well. It takes practice, more practice, and determination. Everyone has a unique style and way they write. You just have to find yours. :)

And this makes sense since the whole reason this story is even coming to life now is due to a challenge to reveal my first-ever attempt at writing. You may cringe. It is cringeworthy. But hopefully, you can have some fun with me as we take a journey back through time.

Okay, here are just a couple of things to note as we get started:

1. This story takes place right after the end of Pokemon XYZ and right at the beginning of Sun and Moon. Up until this point, everything is canon.

2. I had only seen like five episodes of Sun and Moon when I wrote this, so...yes. Just know that.

3. The chapters are, in most cases, insanely short, so if you're looking for a quick read, there you are. 

4. The prologue, fun fact, was actually a challenge I was given to attempt and write something with romance. Again, remember, I was twelve. I'd never written romance and I really haven't done a lot of it since, but it's here anyway. :)

And that's all I have! 

Pulling from the archives of ancient pokemon lore, I present to you; Hasent and the Fire of Tecnicone.

Signing off for now, 


Hasent and the Fire of Tecnicone | A Pokemon Fanfiction (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now