Your more then a friend, Sun (Sun x Moon)

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Sun and Moon had been friends for a long time, but Moon started feeling different towards Sun, were he wanted to hug him more and spend more time with him, and kiss him too, so Moon decided to tell him, after asking Officer Vanessa about it.

Moon's Pov

I watch Sun play with kids in the play area. Watching him was calming for me, not having to do anything, Sun can put a smile on my face. I did find out what was all the weird feeling are, Officer Vanessa, told me it was love, and told me what love was, saying it's a good feeling, but it can be hard to tell the person you love, that you love them.


I snapped out of my thoughts and looked to my left. It was Sun, he had a worried face on. Seeing him worried felt wrong inside me.

"Yes, Sunshine is something wrong?" I said with a soft smile.

"Just concerned about you, you been staring down at the daycare for a long time now, also Naptime is about to start soon" Sun tells me.

"Oh I'm fine, just in my thoughts, that all, thanks" I replied.

Sun smile, as he sits down next to me letting his legs hang over the edge of the towers platform. He then scoots next to me, making our hands touch.

"What are you thinking about, Moon?" Sun asked looking at me.

"Nothing of interest" I teased him.

"Come on tell me" Sun asked again.

'This, is my chance, me' I think to myself, as I looked at Sun with the same soft smile on.

"Hmm, How about we go on a date and maybe I'll tell you" I said as worries started to form.

"What do you mean? Moon do you mean the fruit date, or todays date?" Sun asked, confused.

'Of course he doesn't know, what I mean' I thought as my smile got to straight face.

"Sigh. Sun that's not what I mean, what I meant is like a play date but different" I tried to tell him.

"Oh, okay" Sun saids with a big smile like always.

I smiled as I got up and helped Sun up as well. I then checked the time, Naptime was in ten minutes. 'It wouldn't hurt for Naptime to be early today' I thought as I grabbed one of the wires and attached it to me. Sun helped me make sure it was on properly, don't want to fall again...

I then looked at Sun, and then look a the kids. I then started go down to the kids. Once my feet touched the ground, I called the kids and tell them it's Naptime.

"Aww, I don't wanna go to sleep" some kids said as they made their way to the Cloud corner.

Once all the kids where, in the Cloud corner and in their sleeping bags, I grabbed a book off of the bookshelf and sat next to the kids and started reading it to them. It was 'Beauty and the beast'.

Soon Naptime was over and started going home with their right parent or guardian. As I watched Sun talk to a parent, I see the kid hugging on to, Sun. Sun tried to get the kid off but they were holding on for life saying that they did want to go yet. I laughed at the scene, and walked over to Sun to help.

"Come, on my little Sunray, it's time for you to go home now" Sun said trying to get them off.

"I see you got yourself a friend, Sun" I said holding in a laugh.

"Just help, Moon" Sun said ignoring my comment.

I crouch down to the kids height, so I could talk to them.

"Hey little Star, do you want a Sundrop candy?" I said as I hold grabbed some Sundrops out of my front pockets, to show them.

They, nodded as they looked at me. I gave them one and told them they can come back anytime they wanted, and we can have more fun and games to play. The kid let go of Sun a grabbed the candy, took it out out of it's rapper and put the hard candy in their mouth.

"You promise, I can come back and play more" they asked.

"I promise, in fact I pinky promise" I said as I put out my pinky finger out for them to entwine theirs with.

They smiled as they entwined their pinky with mine. Then they hug Sun and I and left with their parent. I stood up just to be knocked to the ground by Sun hugging me.

"S-Sun" I said startled.

"Thank Moon, your the best friend I could ever have" Sun tells me.

It hurt when he called me his best friend, but I put it aside and hugged him back. Soon he got off of me and help me up, and went to see if there was still some kids left. He soon came back.

"Moon there no more kids left" Sun exclaimed.

"Okay, now for that date~ Sunny, get ready and we'll meet back here in forty-five minutes okay" I said as I looked as, Sun.

Sun nodded as he blushed do to the sudden nickname, and we went our separate ways. 'Hw's so cute when he blushes' I thought as I went to my room with is in the little hole in the wall in little living room in the tower. I then made sure I looked nice for my, Sunny. I had also called Roxy, to set up a date area for Sun and I. Once I was done I had twenty minutes left, get enough to get Sun, flowers. Soon I went out my room and out the daycare it's self to get flowers. On the way I see Roxy, putting a candle on a table, setting up my date with Sun.

"Hey Roxy, thanks for helping me" I called out as I speed walk past her.

"No problem Moon, I am the best after all" she saids not looking up from what she was doing.

Soon I meet Sun, back at the spot.

"Hey, Sunny" I said as I haded him the sunflowers and yellow Roses, knowing they where his favorite.

"Hi, thanks Moon, this really nice of you" Sun thanked me, as he smelled them.

"You welcome, Sunny. Follow me okay." I said as I gestured him to follow me.

We then walked out the daycare, and to the area.

"Oh, wow Moon, this is really pretty, did you do this?" Sun says.

"No, Roxy helped me" I tell him, as I pulled out a chair, for Sun.

Sun then, sat down and I pushed him in. I then took a set as well. We talked a bit about our day and stuff like that. Soon Sun popped the question.

"So, what was on your mind, Moony?" Sun asked.

I blushed do to the nickname, and took a deep breath. 'I can do it' I thought.

"Sun, I love you, that's what I was thinking about" I tell him, fear started to fill me up.

"Oh, I love you too Moony, your my best friend" Sun says thinking I said I love you in a best friend way.

"Sun, I mean it in a different way. The way I used it is as a lover or in a relationship way" I try telling him.

He just tilled his head to the side, to show he was confused. I sighed.

"Sun, the ways I used love, L. O. V. E. As more then best friends, like boyfriends way" I tried again.

"O-oh, I love you too Moony, your so special to me" Sun say as he blushed and got up and walks to me.

I smiled as a stand up as well. Sun grabbed my hand and our fingers entwined with one other.I put my other hand on his cheek, carelessly rubbing it with my thumb. I leaned my face towards Sun and Sun did the same. Our lips meet as we kissed, it was a passionate and soft kiss. We soon pulled away. A smile on both of our faces.

"Let's go, and cuddle, Moony" Sun say as we walk to the daycare.

(1325 words

First one let's goo, I hope you liked it, I sure had fun making it.

This was Requested by: @ThisIsAMoonyBOIOIII )

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