Pizza? (Eclipse x Y/N)

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Sitting at the daycare desk bored with paperwork, you decided to pull out your lunch just to find it missing making you groan in annoyance. You were sure that you brought your lunch today but you must have left it on the counter at home. You sighed and decided to not care about food and go back to work. But before you could even look at a paper properly you and the chair you say on was spun around before stopping to be face-to-face with Eclipse. You sighed as you raised an eyebrow at him.

"Do you need something, Eclipse?" You asked, try to be nice to him since you didn't feel like being a grump to people or animatronics despite the hunger in you.

"I saw you look into your bag, but you didn't pull anything out, why?" Eclipse replied with a question of his own, the curious kitten he was, feisty but curious.

"I was trying to grab my lunch but it seems I forgot it at home," You tell him as his eyes look at you and your bag over. He hummed before he picked you up by your waist making you yelp in surprise.

"Well that's not good, especially since you tend to become hangry so easily," Eclipse says bluntly as he puts you on his shoulder so that he could carry you easily and so that you couldn't put up a fight.

"What are you doing!?" You asked him as you tried to look at his face but couldn't since you could only see his back and back legs.

"I'm taking you to get food," He tells you with a sigh as he starts to walk out of the daycare.

"But the food here costs more than a month's worth of groceries, I can't afford that," You try telling him about your shit salary.

"Don't worry, I got that covered," He tells you with a chuckle making you sigh as you just let him have at it.

After a bit, Eclipse puts you down carefully in front of him at the food court. He then grabbed some food before coming back to you holding a whole box of pizza and soda.

"Here you go, free food for my lovely dear," Eclipse tells you holding the food out for you. You smiled as you grabbed the food and thanked him.

"No problem, now we must get back to the daycare, Lunar is probably at the bottom of the ball pit as we speak" he replied as he started to walk back to the daycare with you trailing behind him, and trying to get your hands on the pizza in the box, which proves difficult with the soda in your hands as well.

The walk was just as quick as the walk to the food court. Eclipse, just watched you amused in the elevator when you kept trying to get to the pizza with the soda in your hands, not even thinking of putting it down on the elevator floor for a moment.

Once in the daycare you quickly put the box of pizza and the soda on the desk. Swift to open and grab a slice of pizza, you put it in your watery and hungry mouth. Eclipse chuckles at your behavior before walking away to go help Lunar with the kids.

You watched him as you ate and drank. It was only a week ago that you were hired, and you felt you made a big impact on, Eclipse. Because on the first of October, he was colder than an ice box, but he warmed up to you and was a little nicer to, Lunar. He cared he just didn't know how to show it, the closest to you seeing him have a genuine smile with Lunar, was when Lunar, accidentally got tangled up in the ropes, but even with that information Eclipse, hated children, you would joke to him saying it was his highlight of his day, annoying at first but was funny. But sometimes no words need to be said to have a good time or moment. Eclipse, loved the silence but you also knew it scared him which was why he would talk a lot, sometimes you would even say that he should try to be in acting, tho he would refuse the offer.

Only a week and it felt like you knew Eclipse, for years.

You sighed as you closed the pizza box and threw the soda bottle in the trash. Putting the pizza to the side so you could do more paperwork, but once again you were spun around to face Eclipse.

"Need something?" You asked with a chuckle. Eclipse, looked at you for a moment before replying.

"Umm... Lunar was wondering if you would like to play?" Eclipse tells you. You knew the Eclipse was using Lunar as a cover-up for him to ask you to hang out with him, it was cute and a little silly.

"Well, I have about two or three papers to handle then I can, I hope you don't mind waiting" You replied with a soft chuckle.

"Ya, Lunar can wait," Eclipse tells you as he moves away from you so that you can finish working.

You sighed as you spun yourself around to quickly finish your paperwork. Once done you stand up and stretch as you walk out from behind the desk. Joints popped as you walked over to Eclipse who was trying to read a book to a group of kids but was constantly being interrupted by them, he was going to lose his temper over it soon, but luckily you're here to help.

"Hey kiddos, Mr. Eclipse is trying to read to you, it's rude to interrupt him, especially since he doesn't have to read to you," you tell the kids as you sit down next to Eclipse, who is looking at you like a lifesaver.

With that the kids stopped interrupting, letting the story end, and Eclipse to hang out with you.

(I had to redo this so many times till I liked how the fluff went. Sorry it took so long-

Requested by Farfiction )

Moon: why did Eclipse buy food? I thought he hated kids.
Lunar: It was for Y/N.
Moon: Who?
Lunar: The new assistant daycare attendant.
Moon: oh...? Who? Did he poison the food?
Lunar: No he didn't... And Y/N is his best friend from what I can see or was told... It's freaky with how nice he is to Y/N-
Moon: I didn't even know he could be nice-

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