Jealousy 2 (Moon x Y/N)

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It was the next day and Y/N had called in sick that day. On Their own anniversary with Moon. Moon was picking at the exposed wires on his body in his room refusing to come out of his room. Sun kept feeling like it's his fault that the argument got worse. So when the kids left Sun went to Moon.

"H-Hey Moon, can I show you something" Sun said as he knocked on the wall next to the hole in the wall.

"I'm not moving out of here, leave me alone" Moon called out, from where he was at.

"Moon, it's important, please come on out" Sun begged.

"Will you leave me ALONE" Moon said raising his voice.

Sun flinched but he didn't leave.

"I was going to show you, what Y/N and we're doing yesterday" Sun tells Moon.

"If I come will you leave me alone" Moon said raspy like.

"Yes" Sun answered without hesitation.

There was shuffling in the room but soon Sun, saw Moon, come out. He looked like he was crying earlier, as there was still tears still running down his face. Sun then gestured his hands to the side, to let Moon know he should follow. Soon they made it to the entrance of the cloud corner. Sun was on the side of Moon, so he can open it.

Moon, opened the door and walked in slowly. He was in 'aww' as he looked around the place. He saw the fake clouds, more stars then normal. Tears started to stream down his face as he looked around, he turned his head to the side as he looked at a closet. He walked over to it and opened it. He's eyes went wide as more tears fell down his face, he also had a small sad smile on.

Just then Moon turned his head to the door of the cloud corner entrance as he heard the sound of the daycare doors slam open.


It was Y/N. Surprised, Moon ran out and jumped on to Y/N crying hard. Sun walked over to the two with a smile as he had planned to get the two back together.

"M-Moon!? Sun told me you decommissioned yourself" Y/N said as they hugged Moon, with tears filled their eyes.

"No, I would never, I promised you remember" Moon said as he hugs Y/N tighter but not to tight, to not kill Y/N on accident.

They soon let go of each other, and looked at Sun, with a puzzled look.

"Wait, did you plan this" both Y/N and Moon said at the same time.

"Yes, I do, I didn't want my two best friends not talking to each other because of a misunderstanding" Sun said as he put one of his hands behind his head, with a big sheepish smile.

"Thank you" Moon said as he hugged Y/N again, witch you gladly hugged back.

 The two soon released, and Moon then picked Y/N up and took them to the front of his room. He place you down gently like you could break at any moment. He put one hand up and then went inside his room. Soon he came out with something in his hands. He held it out to Y/N with a shy smile. Y/N looked at the item in Moon's hands, it was a plush version of themselves and Y/N's F/Color flowers.

"Did you make the plushie" Y/N asked as they took the plush, and the flowers, happily.

"Yes, I did" Moon answered with a bigger smil.

"Aww, thanks, Moony" Y/N said as they hug, Moon.

Moon jolts at the sudden hugs but soon embrace it. And they live happily ever after, the END.

(586 words.

Yaa, there I made it. Hope your Happy with it!!! This is a part two of Jealousy. Soo same person who requested this...)

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