Jealousy (Moon x Y/N)

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Warning this One shoot has: angst, cussing and violence, and a VARY jealous Moon.

Y/N had been dating Moon, for almost a year and lately Y/N had been hanging out with Sun more than Moon and Moon doesn't like it one bit. He was jealous.


I was with Sun again, he was helping me with my anniversary gift for Moon. We were upgrading the Cloud corner for Moon and Sun was helping me with heavy stuff and stuff I couldn't reach. We so far added fake clouds that can sustain three animatronics, more stars since Moon somethings says that it need more stars, and a closet made for Moon's instruments, like his guitar. Right now Sun was lifting me up so I can put in more screws and bolts for the last fake cloud. Moon's and I anniversary was in two days and I was happy that my anniversary gift was almost ready. To be honest I was worried that it wouldn't be finished in time.

"Okay, Sun you can put me down now" I tell him.

He did what I asked and put me down. I looked at I what we made so far. Just some more starts and we we'll be done.

"We'll put the last stars on tomorrow, for now let's get out and hang out with Moon" I said as we walked out.

Once we were out and was looking for Moon, I see the time, I was about to go home soon.

"Moon, come out of where your hiding, I want to see you before I go" I called out.

From the corner of my eye I see Moon coming down from the tower. Started walking over to Moon when he touched the ground.

"Hey Moony, how are you" I said as I hugged him.

"I'm fine" Moon said a bit harsh like, as he hugged me back.

"Are you sure?" I asked again as I looked up at him.

"Yes I'm fine" Moon said in a harsher tone.

"Okay, just know I always love you, Moony" I said smiling, as we broke the hug.

Moon smiled a little, but soon frowns. 'Moon is obviously lying, but why' I thought as try to get to his height, bit felled miserably.

"Your so tall, can't you shrink or something?" I joked.

Moon laughed as he crouched to my height. I then pulled his face to mine making us kiss. I can feel Moon smile as he kissed back.

Soon I was leaving, waving the boys a good bye, as I closed the door of the daycare play area. I then walked out the daycare and out the Pizza Plex entirely, now in the parking lot walking to my car. I smiled as I thought about what Moon's reaction would be when he sees the upgrades Sun and I put in the Cloud corner. Soon I made it to my car. I opened the driver's door and got in, and closed the door. Started the car up and driveway.

[The next day]

Sun's POV

Y/N got in the daycare and we went to the Cloud corner in an instant, like we read each other's minds. Soon we put the last of the stars and we walked out. Moon was in front of the door when Y/N opened it. He had a unpleasant face on.

"Hey, Moon" Y/N said in a cheerful tone.

"What were you two doing" Moon said harsh and raspy.

"It's a sur-" Y/N said before Moon interrupted.

"What. Were. You. Two. Doing" he said in a harsher and raspier tone, startling me.

"It's a surprise, Moon" Y/N tells, Moon.

"Why have you been hanging out with Sun more then me lately" Moon asked still in the same raspy tone.

"You'll see soon" Y/N said 

Moon seem to not like the answer, because before I know it Y/N and Moon where in an argument. I can see the anger in Moon eyes, it scared me. I tried to stop the argument but that was a mistake, as Moon just yelled at me, making my Sunrays retract. Y/N then yelled at Moon. 'Shoot I made it worse' I thought as stepped backwards. A few minutes pass and their still fighting. I was sitting in the art room covering my non-existent ears. I looked up at the two, and I see Moon raising his hand and... And he hit them. He hit Y/N. He hit them hard as I can see the mark turning purple from here. Y/N stepped back tears falling down their face.

"FUCK YOU, MOON" Y/N yelled as they ran to the daycare doors.

Before they left they turned their head looking at Moon one last time and yelled "OH AND HAPPY FUCKING ANNIVERSARY" and with that they slammed the door.

My eyes raced to Moon, he eyes went wide as he just realized what he just did. He face palmed himself and started saying stupid Moon, stupid stupid" repeating stupid as he went up using the wires and went in to the tower. He know it was too late to go get Y/N back.

(822 words

Yay, I made it, I did have a hard time making this, I will make a part two because I hate leaving you off on angst with out what happens next.

This was requested by @Nonbinaryeyes )

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