Mask fall (King!Bloodmoon x Maid!Y/N)

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With a sigh, you walked into the castle and started heading to a nearby cleaning supply room. You have been working as a maid for King Bloodmoon whom you have never seen without a mask on. Rumors say it's glued on his face, others say it's his real face, but you didn't care for rumors as it was just silly talk, because personally, you think he wears it out of embarrassment of his looks or just likes masks as is. Adjusting your clothes before grabbing a duster and cleaner, you turn around and without fail you bump into a fellow maid making you and her stumble back, she then looks at you with a pissed look, and walks up to you. You knew who it was, Piper (change the name if that's your name-) she was known for her temper. You tried to move away as she walked to you. She raised her hand ready to slap you. Just before she could hit you a deep voice spoke. "Hit your fellow maid and I'll make your payment hers as you do both her's and your work"

Both you and Piper flinched and turned to look at who spoke though both of you already knew who. You looked at the king who was descending a grand staircase, wearing a new white mask on his face. Though you could not see it you could feel him glaring at Piper as she quickly looked at you and then back at the king before quickly walking away after curtsying at the king. You sigh then look at the king with a smile you quickly thank him and curtsy at him. He nodded then walked away from you letting you go back to work, so you started to head to the closest hall to dust it.

As you dusted you felt eyes on you though, to you it was normal as every time you came to work you felt the eyes. At first, it bothered you and you wanted whomever to stop but you never found the source so you were forced to get used to it, not like you had anything to hide to say, just uncomfortable and awkward.

You hummed a soft melody, trying to mind your business, tho just like always the more you tried to mind your business the more you wanted to figure out who was watching and why you? You've seen prettier people in the castle plus you were just a maid, no one important. Maybe it was your imagination.

You sighed once you felt the eyes off of you, for now, tho knowing they'll be back soon. You walked to a different place to clean, doing the same ol' routine and the same ol' cleaning but today was different. Unfortunately.

You are cleaning a balcony on the fifth floor scrubbing the dirt off the railing when you hear someone behind you so you stop and turn around just to see Piper in front of you with a smirk, and before you can react she pushes you off the balcony.

Your eyes widen as you scream. This wasn't how you thought you'd die, you honestly thought you'd die in your bed of old age, skin withered and raggedy, hair having various shades of grey and silver, but no you'll be falling to death because a maid was mad at you for bumping into her or maybe it was more than that, you could never remember all the bad that happened liked you prefer. Tears filled your face as your life flashed before your eyes. Nothing on your mind but fear and your past.

Suddenly you feel something or someone grab your leg. Hearing a grunt above, your body hits the side of the castle, hard. You looked up, fear in your eyes, as you looked at what was holding you hoping you were saved from death, just to notice something falling beside you, tho you couldn't tell what it was, not that you cared, you just wanted to be safe, and away from the view of the world you were having.

"I got you," A familiar raspy voice says with a slightly winded tone, and with that you were slowly but surely pulled up onto another balcony, but once on the safe ground you moved away from the side having a new found fear, before looking at who saved you.

"Thank you so much" You thanked the person in a slightly shaky voice as you looked at a man. His face was so cultivating to you, ruby red eyes and a single scar ran down the side of his face across his left eye, hair a dark rich brown. A worried yet angry frown ruined it tho, a smile would fix it for sure though.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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