My children (Family?)

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You lived by yourself and you're 25. You work as a teacher in an elementary school, it was always an adventure there. Fun things, not having to deal with big stuff, but little ones like he colored on my paper or she keeps taking the colors, and all that other stuff. Sure at first you wanted to break each kid in half, but little by little, you got used to it and even somehow missed it during the summer break. Probably because you're lonely as fuck and aren't interested in a relationship at the moment.

Sighing as you lay on your bed bored, as you wait for summer break and see the new set of kiddos. It was the start of summer break about a week into it at least. You didn't want to lay around the house most of your summer break, you are a little socially awkward, so trying to make new friends is out of the question.

Looking at your phone for ideas, it mostly shows you kid stuff since you did make lots of stuff for the youngsters to see and do. You typed in on Tic Tok search for ideas to do. Surprisingly the search was good, like go here or shop here, do this and that or make this, try this, the list goes on and on. You saved most of them by liking them, you can always go through them in your like list.

Scrolling once more to see a different idea not liking the last one. Your eyes widened as you watched it making you sit up. It was about a family recommending doing adoption, and all the quirks of having adopted children.

"That's it! Why haven't I thought of this!?" You muttered as you started to do some research on adoption and the progress. Sure you just got the idea for adoption, but you're lonely and want company.

You texted your family to see what they thought about the idea in the group chat as you did research, making you multitask.


Time never passed as fast as it did because before you knew it, it was time to eat dinner. You swear that you just sat on your bed for at least an hour right after breakfast. Sighing you got up and walked to the kitchen, not wanting to spend money at a restaurant when it's cheaper and healthier here at home. Quickly making yourself an easy dinner you ponder about actually going through with adoption because it's a lot of responsibility since the child will be under your care 24/7 and will become a teenager if not already a teenager. You're only an elementary teacher, you don't know what a teenager will be like and your teenage years were a long time ago, well 6 years ago but still. What if you fail at being a parent!? What if they hate you and don't want to be with your child anymore?

"No, Y/N! Think of the rose, not the thorns! Like how you tell the child at school!" You tell yourself as you start to make yourself some chicken and dumpling soup since you happen to have the ingredients for it, and since it tastes delicious you know you'll never make it as good as the original chicken and dumpling soup made by your grandmother when you were little.

Days passed and you kept pondering if you should do adoption, and if so how many kids are too much, and what age. You already figured out how much it would cost to get just one child. If you wanted to get more than 4 kids then you'll have to get your savings and college money just to stay stable, but would it be worth it? Most likely. Most people with more than 3 kids say there's no difference after getting the third child if you get more after all.

Walking on a trail to finally make your decision. The trees danced in the singing wind. The chilled air lets you see your warm breath in front of you as you walk down leaf leaf-covered path. Your thoughts are the loudest thing you heaYouour are lucky that your neighborhood had this trail, a rose for living here. You started to imagine kids running along here some talking to one another others just there either enjoying the pace or playing makebelieve. A smile crept onto your face as you watched your imagination run. You felt your heart begging you to hug the children despite them not being real.

This right here...
You wanted this...
Your heart wanted this...
Your mind...
At war with your heart...
You wanted to be happy...
The best thing for the body is happiness...
So you will be happy!

You finally made up your mind. You're doing it. You're doing adoption.

You started to walk back to your house as you dialed the adoption center that you had saved but had yet to call till now, you know if you didn't do it now then you'll start to have second thoughts about it again. Talking to the person on the phone you made it to your house. Answering questions as you jumped into your car instantly starting it up then started to drive. The conversation with the person went on as they asked about your background, which didn't bother you at all.

You had a smile on your face as you walked through the process with a middle-aged woman who had a smile on her face, most likely happy she gets to get rid of a child or two. She walked you to a room full of children of all ages. Scanning the room as you slowly walked around. Some of the younger kids run up to you with a big smile hoping you would take them. Tempting but you continue. Soon you see a black-haired boy with a bit of blonde at the roots of his hair letting you know his hair was dyed black a while ago. He was reading a book next to a blond boy who was playing with a light-brown-haired boy who looked younger the the two. You started to walk over to the group with a small smile. The woman takes notice and walks with you.

"Those three are Sun, Moon, and Lunar, Sun and Moon are twins and Lunar is the younger sibling to Eclipse," She tells you. You nodded slowly. If their siblings then it's best to take all the siblings so you won't feel guilty for separating them if you decide to take them under your wings.

The light brown-haired boy who you thought was Lunar was the first to notice you, he looked at you curiously, before looking back at the blonde-haired boy whom you thought was Sun. The two twins looked at you and then ignored you.

You stopped in front of them and started to interact with them starting by introducing yourself to them. Quickly starting a conversation with them. Moon was uninterested but talked with you to be kind, Sun was nervous as he grabbed Moon's arm and hugged it, and Lunar started to play with you not caring who you were.

You came to the adoption about a week now and met Eclipse, Ruin, K.C. Bloodmoon, and Earth with Sun, Moon, and Lunar. Sure you met the other kids but they didn't stand out as much as they did. Luckily you had the money to get and care for them with the help of your college savings. Now you stand in a room waiting for the woman to take the 8 kids to the room so you can talk to them without the other kids. Once they were in the room the woman stepped back to a corner, most likely to supervise for safety reasons. You looked at the kids as you sat on the ground to not overwhelm them with your height.

If you remember correctly, Lunar is the youngest at the age of 6, Ruin is 10 along with Bloodmoon Earth is 12 Sun and Moon are 13 along with Eclipse, and K.C. is the oldest at the age of 15.

"Hi," You started with a smile. Lunar ran to you hugging you with a big smile. You hugged him back. Eclipse and Moon stared at you wondering what you wanted from them thought they could make a good guess. Sun stood behind Moon. Earth stood next to you with a caring smile. Ruin and Bloodmoon sat down a little annoyed, and K.C. Stood next to the door away from you with his head tilted a little.

You start to talk to them about adopting them and that you are capable to adopt them all, but you wanted their consent to do so. Each of them looked at each other before making a circle, whispering to each other, occasionally they would look back up at you then back into the circle whispering. You honestly thought it was cute seeing them in a circle whispering among each other but that doesn't mean you weren't nervous at all. Soon each of them deformed the circle as they walked up to you they looked among each other before they muttered a yes to you causing you to smile and open up your arms of a hug. Slowly one by one starting with lunar they hugged you making a group hug.

It was a win-win you wouldn't be lonely anymore and they had someone to love them unconditionally.

Soon you were signing the papers off each of them looking at you nervously like you were going to make a last minute change of mind, but after that you lock them to your friends minivan that you were borrowing, obviously your car would not fit them all. You most likely would change your car out for one that could hold them all later in the future.

Now your house is going to be loud and chaotic but that doesn't matter to you, you'll be happy and they'll be happy.

(Hello my little mood swings! I hoped that you liked this one shot, I might make this into a mini story if this gets enough love! Have a good day/night/time!)

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