A death wish dare (Blood twins)

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"Blood do you take this animatronic to be your partner, to live together in (holy) matrimony, to love them, to honor them, to comfort them, and to keep them in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" Sun asked.

"I do." Blood answered in a not wanting tone.

"With the power vested in me I pronounce you husband and husband?... You may kiss," Sun tells the blood twins.

"Good thing you have no power..." Both the blood Moon's muttered on cue.

The twins kissed each other cheek not wanting to actually kiss each other. They then looked at Eclipse both having daggers in their eyes. Eclipse on the other hand was laughing his ass off knowing his ass was grass later. Both of the twins were mad and embarrassed.

You may be wondering how did this happen well let me take you back to one hour ago. Sun, Lunar, Moon, Eclipse, and Both of the Blood Moon's were all in the daycare, Eclipse and Lunar were at the security desk. Sun and Moon were having a staring contest, and the Blood twins were lying down facing the ground, bored as hell since it was a slow day.

"I'm Boooored, let's do something interesting," Lunar said as he lends on his chair.

"For once Lunar, right... How about a game of Truth or Dare?" Eclipse said as he put his feet on the table.

"Yes!, please," Bloody said as he and his twin sat up.

"I'll join when Sun, blinks" Moon tells them.

"We can't blink tho-" Sun tells him confused.

"Oh well then nevermind let go play" Moon said as he got up and helped Sun up as well.

Soon all of them were in a circle facing each other. Ready to play.

"So wh-" Sun said before he was interrupted.

"I'll go... Moon Truth or Dare?" Lunar tells them.


"Is it Truth... That..." Lunar said trying to think of something...

"Is it Truth that you taught Sun adult jokes?" Lunar asked finally having something.

"Yes, and I'm proud of it" Moon said with a big grin.

"Why would you be proud of that?" Sun asked concern.

"Blood Moon... Bloody Truth or Dare?" Moon asked


I dare you to clean of the blood on you without licking yourself~" Moon said with a mischief grin.

"WH- I CHOOSE TRUTH" Bloody said trying to change to truth.

"Nope you got to do it unless your a chicken~" Moon said enjoying himself.

"Please, have mercy... This is too early" Bloody pleaded.

"Nope, you didn't have mercy earlier~" Moon tells him.

"Really this all over Bloody beating your high score, Moon" Sun said dumbfounded.

"Yes~ yes it is~" Moon tells him.

Sun rolled his eyes as Bloody stood up and grabbed some wipes off the desk and started wiping himself, started with the arms. The hold time he glared daggers at Moon, who was laughing satisfied at what hi did. Blood looked as Moon then his town brother going back and forth between them two with a worried look for himself. Soon Bloody was done and he came back and sat down.

"I HATE you" Bloody tells Moon.

"Heh~ Hate you too" Moon says back.

Soon some rounds past and now it was Eclipse turned again for the 5th time. He looked at the Blood twins with a devious smile.

"Blood Truth or Dare~" Eclipse asked with a smirk.

"I-... Humm... D-dare" Blood answered scared already wishing he said truth.

"I Dare You Too Marry Your Brother~ As A Joke~" Eclipse explained.

"WHAT!?" Both twins yelled.

"You heard me" Eclipse said already laughing.

(Your invited to the Blood Twins Wedding 💌)

Soon after some bickering and Eclipse running for his life. The Blood Moon's where facing each other unhappy and unamused. Sun was in between them holding a book.

"Okay before I start d-" Sun said before he was interrupted again.

"No, Now Start" Both Eclipse and Moon yelled at the same time.

"Okay... We are gathered here today in the sight of God and these witnesses to join together Bloody and Blood in holy matrimony; which is an honorable estate, instituted of God, since the first man and the first woman walked on the earth. Sun starts.

(Yes I looked this up... Yes I'll spare you on the whole thing)

Soon it was the I do part of the wedding. Sun already asked Bloody who was forced to say 'I do' by Eclipse and Moon. 

Blood do you take this animatronic to be your partner, to live together in (holy) matrimony, to love them, to honor them, to comfort them, and to keep them in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" Sun asked.

I do." Blood answered yet again forced by Eclipse and Moon.

"With the power vested in me I pronounce you husband and husband?... You may kiss," Sun tells the blood twins.

"Good thing you have no power..." Both the blood Moon's muttered on cue.

The twins kissed each other cheek not wanting to actually kiss each other. They then looked at Eclipse both having daggers in their eyes. Eclipse on the other hand was laughing his ass off knowing his ass was grass later. Both of the twins were mad and embarrassed.

"You better run~ cus we are going to have a lot of fun~" The Blood twins tells them all as they pull out knifes.

(866 words.

Sorry this was rushed a little... I hope you like this...

This was requested by @-Star_Luna- )

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