I miss you (platonic Lunar and Eclipse)

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Warning: sadness, bullies, crying, mention of murder, a depressed Lunar.

Best read with music specifically 'Final Duet' enjoy read...

The clouds rumbled as it started to rain softly. Lunar was walking down the sidewalk to his house. He was at the park again. Lunar, didn't have the smile he was known for. Lunar, sighed as he took a turn. He was looking down at the sidewalk not looking, he know no one was coming out of their houses. A few more minutes and he was at the front of his house. He stood there for a good minute before he opened the door and went inside, closing the door behind him. He felt his back pocket vibrate as he took his phone out of his pocket. Sun, was calling again. Lunar, ignored it and walked to the dining room and placed his phone on the table, and walked to the couch. He let himself fall backward on the couch as he kicked his shoes off not caring to put them up. His mind was blank for the past couple of days, which was not like, Lunar. He sighed as he looked at the ceiling slowly drifting off to sleep.

(His dream)

Lunar, was a little silver-blue-haired kid crying as some kids picked on him for being scared easily. He had his hands over his ears, trying to tell them to stop, in between his sobbing.

"L-leave m-me a-alone" He cried out.

But they never listened to him. They just keep on calling him names, like Scary Cat, or Crybaby. Lunar could only wish for them to stop.


A shout was heard from behind the bullies. The kids turned around to see a boy about Lunar, age. He had a black button-up shirt, with dark blue ripped jeans. His hair was black and messy, his eyes were a dirty golden brown narrowed at the mean kids.

"What did you call us?" One of the kids asked rudely.

"I called you dummies, now leave that kid alone, or I make you cry for your 'mommies' " The boy said as he stepped closer showing no fear.

"What a loser." the same kid said as he looked at the other kids with a sly smile. Lunar, didn't dare move or look up, as he was scared of what would happen if he did. Lunar, flinch at the sound of screaming and soon after crying and... The sound of running?

"Hey, you okay?"

Lunar, flinched before he looked up, and saw the boy standing in front of him. Lunar, nodded still shaken up by the bullies. The boy put a hand out for him to grab. He hesitantly takes the hand and he was pulled to his feet.

"I'm, Eclipse, you?" The boy who claimed himself to be Eclipse tells him.

"L-Lunar... T-thanks y-you for h-helping m-me o-out" Lunar stutters.

"No problem Lunar, you sure your okay, your stuttering a lot," Eclipse says as he looked at Lunar with a concerned look.

Suddenly everything turns black, and soon some light made its way back, but instead of Eclipse and Lunar standing meeting for the first time, it was Lunar all alone on a carousel. The carousel started moving in circles as the plastic horses went up and down. Lunar was holding onto one of the horses, with a big smile. There was nothing in the background, just Lunar and the carousel. It was neither day nor night, it was like time had stopped. If you looked at the top of the carousel you could see the word first friend illuminating the area around it. You could say the Lunar world was now starting to move for the good.

Once again every thing faded for a second before the scenery changed to Lunar and Eclipse as teenage at a park on some swings, Lunar swinging and Eclipse watching Lunar from the other swing, both laughing happily. Both of them looked different from when they were kids. Eclipse now had his hair black and the ends were orange with some red streaks. His left eye was covered but a medical eyepatch, showing he was recently in a fight. Lunar, wasn't crying as much as he did when he was a kid. His silver-blue-hair had some pastel yellow streak. Both of the boys were wearing school clothes and matching friendship bracelets that Lunar, made himself. The two were inseparable ever since Eclipse, helped Lunar, from the bullies when they were kids.

"Hahaha, I'm Romeo and your my Juliet!" Lunar joked.

"I think you have it switched, your the one who crys and can't defend themselves" Eclipse said. In a playful tone.

'I can fight" Lunar huffed, as he started to stop himself from swinging.

"Heh, sure~ what ever floats your boat" Eclipse teased.

"I'm not lying" Lunar said trying to sound hurt just to only laugh with Eclipse.

The two were laughing about the play that was at their school, Romeo and Juliet. It was good but they could tell some of the kids who took part didn't memories their lines. Eventually the two started walking to Lunar's house, where the two could goof off some more, of Lunar's mom isn't there to tell them to do their homework of course.

Everything started to fade again. When light came back you see Lunar and the carousel still moving, but this time he wasn't alone. Eclipse was there laughing about with, Lunar. The two were on one of the horses being silly. And the words on the top change to best friends. The music from before was a little faster, and a happier tone. But something was off, but what?.. If you looked in the distance you see someone coming to the two. You couldn't tell who though, because the person was wearing stuff to cover their face.

Again everything faded, and change to Lunar crying on the floor in his room. He looked like an adult like in real life (not the dream). Lunar held on to a plush that Eclipse, got him a long time ago. Lunar started to mumble stuff like "Why did you have to go so soon" or "This is my fault". The reason for this is Lunar got a knock on the door by the police, telling him that Eclipse, was murdered. Eclipse was everything to Lunar, even though they both only saw each other as friends.

"Why not me?... Why him? Please don't do this to me, Eclipse. I don't want to be alone!" Lunar cried out, trying fight back tears but falls miserably.

Lunar soon fell asleep crying. Everything started to fade once more and back at the carousel, but everything was different. The carousel wasn't moving Lunar, was crying holding a bloody body. It was Eclipse body. Sad music played softly. The words on top didn't illuminate anymore some letters were flickering on and off none stop, eventually stoping completely.

(Back to life)

Lunar shot up off the couch and on to the floor, tears ready to fall. It was just a dream... Of memories. He hated it because once he wakes up he ends up a crying mess. Lunar heard the front door being knocked on. He got up off the floor a walked over to the front door, and opened it. It was, Sun.

"H-how Lunar, I wanted to check on you, to see if your okay and everything." Sun tell him waiting to be let in.

Lunar just sighed as he moved out the way of the front door and walked over the couch again. Sun followed Lunar short after he closed the front door behind him. Lunar sat there head 8n his hands.. Crying. Sun sat next to him, and ribbed his back for him, telling him "It's okay, let it all out"...

(1252 words

Yaa, it's out! Took me a bit... Fell asleep making it... But hey it out. This was not required!)

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