It's okay (Moon x Eclipse)

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 The room was littered with empty glasses of alcohol as a man lay asleep on the rugged floor in front of a couch, like he had fallen off it but didn't get up during the night. His phone alarm went off over and over, but it only made the man stir in his sleep, not fully waking him up. Soon, the phone rings, finally waking the man and letting him know someone is calling. He stumbled to his feet as he looked for his phone in the mess, not caring about cleaning up. Soon he found his phone on the coffee table. He picked it up and answered, putting it to his ear.


 "Moon, you're late for work again; this is the tenth time. I'm sorry, but you're fired." A familiar voice tells him. Right after that, the line went dead on the other side of the call. The man now known as Moon sighed as he put the phone down. He then started to walk to the kitchen, passing up picture frames that were either broken or on the floor facing down. Once he was in the kitchen, he opened the fridge; there was nothing in it, so he closed the fridge, then walked to the cabinets and drawers and looked through them. Nothing. He groaned in annoyance since he knew he would need to go shopping today. He sighed as he closed the last cabinet before walking to his room to change into outdoor clothes.

 Opening the door slowly before walking in, not caring to close it, he started to change into blue jeans and a T-shirt topped with a special beanie that came from someone special to him and an oversized hoodie. He grabbed a pair of socks before walking out of the room. He walked to the front door of his house, grabbed his shoes from the shoe rack outside the house, and put both socks and shoes on. Out he went, walking down the pavement to the closest store.


 After what felt like forever Moon, walked out of the store, bags of groceries in hand. Not looking where he was going he bumped into someone causing both the stumble and almost fall to the ground. Moon muttered out an apology not looking at the person but instead of getting an 'it's fine' or something around that line he got yelled at, causing him to be annoyed at the person. Moon looked at the person just as the person did the same. The person who was a man instantly stopped yelling and just stared at Moon.

 "Is that you Moon?" The man asked but Moon didn't answer but looked at the man taking in the man's looks. His clothing was casual and boring as it was a white button-up with blue jeans, he had black hair with a random orange patch of hair, golden eyes, and an oddly familiar scare that ran across his nose. Moon felt like he knew the guy.

 "The silent treatment like odd times," The man said with a dry chuckle. Moon's eyes widen as he remembers the man.

 "E-eclipse?" Moon muttered not sure of himself.

 "You didn't recognize me or this damn scare you gave me," Eclipse said with a slit surprised tone and an eyebrow raised.

 "You didn't recognize me at first either" Moon huffed out annoyed. Eclipse rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms shifting his body to the side a little, a thing habit Eclipse did when he was annoyed.

 "Seems you still do that like a girl," Moon tells Eclipse showing no emotion then tho he wants to smirk at Eclipse since now he had an offended look but it did provoke a dry chuckle from Moon. But as quickly as the two bumped into each other, Moon was losing interest in the conversation at hand, so he started to walk away from Eclipse. Eclipse quickly took notice of this and grabbed Moon's arm.

 "Hey wait can't we be friends? Look I know we were enemies in high school but we were young and dumb so maybe we can set that aside" Eclipse tells Moon quickly and shily which was not like Eclipse. Moon just looked at Eclipse before sighing knowing that once Eclipse set his mind to something it's unlikely to change.

 "Fine, but don't be annoying or an ass about it," Moon tells Eclipse as he pulls his arm out of his hold which wasn't as tight as Moon thought it was. Eclipse Smiled happily since Moon was going along with this.

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