House Rules (Bloodmoon x Moon)

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"Bloodmoon, come here, now! I need you in the kitchen!" Moon yells for Bloodmoon, annoyed at his roommate and lover. Shortly after he yelled the sounds of quick shuffling coming closer to Moon's spot, before Bloodmoon, appeared in front of Moon, stretching his arms a little before he crossed his arms at, Moon.

"What's so important, is that you have to wake me up by yelling like I'm about to punch you" Bloodmoon hissed at Moon before he moved a hand over his face before he yawned. Moon, sighed and opened the fridge then pointed to cut-up meat.

"This better not be what I think it is, you know I don't like it in my fridge or my kitchen," Moon tells Bloodmoon annoyed as he looks at him amused.

"Why don't you eat it and find out," Bloodmoon tells Moon before he laughs and walks away.

"Bloodmoon! You live in my house, and that comes with rules! You can't just do whatever you want in here, I don't want to see cut-up human meat in my fridge or clean your bloody mess when you come back from your killing spree or get hungry for your kind of meat. I may let you live here without you having to worry about the police and shit like that but I'm tired of your shit! If you don't stop I'll make you!" Moon yells at Bloodmoon who has stopped and looked at him. A low growl was heard from Bloodmoon as he slowly walked over to Moon making him get scared and back up.

"You better watch your tongue, you know what happens when I'm angry" Bloodmoon hissed coldly at Moon, threatening him making Moon shiver a little in fear, before Moon decided he had enough of Bloodmoon's shit.

"No, this is my hom-" Moon said before Bloodmoon slapped the shit out of him, making him fall to the floor, a hand print on the side of his face as he looked up at Bloodmoon, tears slowly forming in his eyes. Bloodmoon crouched down next to Moon, grabbed him by his face, and pulled him closer to him.

"Red doesn't suit your looks Moon, but I won't hesitate to make you bleed, my love," Bloodmoon tells Moon with a cold chuckle, before pulling Moon's face closer to capture him in a forced kiss. Tears stained Moon's face as he let Bloodmoon have his way like always.

Bloodmoon then let go of Moon's face and looked at him with half led eyes and a smirk. Moon looked at him before looking down tears falling down his face as he pushed himself away from him, causing Bloodmoon to tisk at him before standing up and walking away from Moon, leaving him on the kitchen floor. Moon, stayed like that on the floor for a good minute before he stood up and walked out of the kitchen without a midnight snack like his original intentions were, due to him losing his appetite. Moon, just decided to sleep on the couch for the rest of the night so he wouldn't have to deal with Bloodmoon for the moment. Lying on the couch, staring at the ceiling before he slowly closed his eyes, ignoring the sounds of movement from the hall where the shared room was.

Moon, woke up by the sunlight from the opened curtains. Moon sat up with a sigh moving himself so that he was properly sitting on the couch. The air was thick and eerie, almost choke-able if it wasn't for the light scent of iron, letting Moon know Bloodmoon had eaten the meat in the fridge and left a mess and now was out of the house.

Standing up to go clean it so he wouldn't have a headache from the blood smell. He walked over to the kitchen to see items such as bread, cheese, sliced tomatoes, store-bought meat, lettuce, and mayo left out alongside a blood mess on the counters. Moon chuckled lightly as he shook his head. Things like this were annoying to clean up every time but he knew Bloodmoon had bad anger issues. Moon opened the fridge to see a sandwich cut into two triangles with a sticky next to it. He grabbed the note and read it.

Made you a sandwich
                                         ♡ Bloodmoon

But Bloodmoon also had good intentions with a forgetful mind. Moon sighed as he grabbed one of the triangle sandwiches and took a bite of it before he started to clean up the mess Bloodmoon left out. Cleaning was enjoyable, to say the least about it, but it was also very annoying to do over and over again on simple things.

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