Goodbye (Y/N x Eclipse)

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A knock was heard at the front door, you were making late dinner at the moment so you finished up what you were doing and walked to the door as you did so you were confused usually your husband Eclipse would walk into the house and surprise you with some gift why is he knocking did he bringing something that he needs help with? Is it someone else? Whatever it was you walked to the door anyways. Once there you opened the door, and to your surprise, it was a policeman there.

"Hello are you Y/N L/N?" he asks.

"yes, is there a problem officer?" You answered back.

"I'm sorry to tell you but Eclipse L/N was killed in a car accident earlier today at 4:03" he informed you.

"What!? Is this some kind of joke right? you said shocked as tears ran down your face like a small stream.

The officer shook his head before handing you some papers then walked away. You closed the door crying and miserably throw the papers away from you as you walked back to the kitchen to finish the food, but you had lost your appetite so you put it in Tupperware. Once done you went to the couch not wanting to sleep in your bed knowing he isn't there to comfort or cuddle you, hell you didn't want to go into the room to change clothes. Despite not eating you had the urge to throw up so you walked to the bathroom and opened the toilet and throw up. After that, you cleaned it up.

That night you had a restless night on the couch. When morning came you didn't budge when the sunlight hit your eyes from the partly open curtain. Some stray tears ran down the side of your face as you sighed finally sitting up. Just then the doorbell rang. You sighed annoyed.

"If it's the same officer I'm going to beat him" you muttered as you got off the couch and walk to the door. Next to the door was a bat that Eclipse would leave there for your protection since you work at home. You grabbed it as you opened the door. It wasn't the officer it was Eclipse's twin brother Lunar, god he looked like he had a restless night.

"H-hi Mx. L/N," he said waving with one hand and his other holding a bottle, unfortunately, you couldn't tell what the bottle contains.

"Hello, Lunar," you said as you step aside to let him in and put the bat down. He walked in and you closed the door. You started to walk to the dining room with Lunar, following behind. Unfortunately, the house was a mess from last night but Lunar seems to not care as he probably did the same to his house but despite that, you started to clean the dining room to make it at least presentable.

"I-I miss him so much" Lunar started. You knew who he was talking about you nodded letting him know you felt the same. "From the papers, he was T-boned on his left," Lunar tells you.

"The papers the officer gave?" you asked. Lunar, nodded as he placed down his bottle and walked to grab the papers you throw yesterday afternoon then comes back and shows you. You made an 'oh' with your face but never made a sound. You then looked at the bottle and saw it was some kind of beer you looked at Lunar who was already looking down knowing what you were going to say but instead you grabbed the beer walked to the kitchen grabbed a bottle opener and opened it then started to drink it. The only reason you had a bottle opener was for Eclipse when he wanted to drink. Lunar had looked up at some point and saw you drinking his beer.

"That was for me," Lunar tells you a little annoyed that you were drinking it. You just rolled your eyes before looking at him with an unamused raised eyebrow. He sighed knowing you wouldn't give him the beer even if Eclipse is dead. Despite being Eclipse's twin you always saw Lunar as a kid even tho he is 32 years old or was two years older than you.

Once done with the beer you throw it into the bin, not caring to see if you missed it or not. You walked back to the dining room.

"I should go, I have to be somewhere  Lunar tells you as he gets up. You nod as you escort him out of the house. Once the door was closed you walked to the couch and lay there, rubbing your temples.

Months later you woke up in your friend's tub in your hand was an empty beer bottle you sighed as you got up looking at your body, the only thing you were wearing was your undergarments. You looked up and grabbed a towel that was on the towel rack and wrap it around you. You walked out of the bathroom into a small hallway you walked down it into a living room there on the coffee table with your phone, were neatly folded clothes, and a sticky note on the top. You walked to the small table and grabbed the note and read it.

'Hey Y/N I'm not home right now your clothes are right there with your phone, please make sure you eat.

                             P.S. please be ready by 2'

You sighed as you put the note and the bottle on the table and grabbed your clothes. Not caring to go to a room to change you did it in the living. No one was here so why do so? Once you had clothes on you grabbed your phone and looked at the time. It was 12:47. You rolled your eyes as you walked back to the bathroom to clean yourself up.

Looking at the mirror was like looking at trash. You walk to the tub; got on your knees next to the tub and start the water you put your head under the water to get your head wet then grab the shampoo and conditioner and put it in your hair.

After cleaning your hair and drying it with a towel you brushed it then you cleaned your face and mouth. Then walked out of the bathroom and back to the living room and sat on the couch, you turned on your phone to pass the time since it was 1: 20. You went to YouTube and watched uninteresting videos.

"Hey L/N" a voice called to you, you looked around and saw your friend was back. You waved giving them a forced smile. They walked up to you and sat next to you.

"Okay we are going to your house and taking out what was Eclipse's okay," they told you. You sighed as you nodded, you didn't want to do it but it was for the better, 'a step forward for peace and happiness' your friend tells you over and over. Your friend stands up with a soft smile.

"I know this is hard for you but you're going to be okay," they said as they walked to their room. You assume they were going to change out of their work clothes. You sighed as you grabbed the empty beer bottle knowing they would tell you to throw it away and not leave it laying around. You got up and walked to the kitchen then throw the bottle into the bin.

Soon your friend and you got out of the house and were on your way to your house by car. The silence was noisy. You looked out the window as you passed shops and restaurants till you were passing houses letting you know you were in the neighborhood. Soon they parked the car in a driveway and turned the car off.

"Okay, time to clean the house and make it more liveable," your friends said trying to make it sound fun. You looked at them before opening the car door and got out, closing the door behind you. They did the same before walking behind you as you walked to the front of the door pulling the keys out from your pocket and unlocking the door once you got there. After unlocking it you opened the door and walked in smelling the steel air reminding you how long it has been since you had been here. Your friend walked in as well and closed the door behind them.

After cleaning most of the house it was time to clean what was once Eclipse's and your room but now only your room then you can throw all the stuff in the attic. As the two of you clean you saw a picture frame laying down so you grab it and looked at the picture. It was Eclipse and you at a lake moments before disaster. You are being pushed off the boat by Eclipse as he took a picture with a big grin on his face showing how proud he is of himself. You chuckled at the memories of that day and how you got him back later. You hugged the picture before placing the picture back. You then looked at the bed where your phone was and made a mental note the go through your photos. With that you continue to clean up, taking out Eclipse stuff and putting them in the attic. As much as you missed him you knew he would want you to be happy and move on. With your friend's help of course.

'Remember Y/N Eclicpe is still with you even if he is not around, he's in your heart'

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