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"Guys, I need to prep you for a very important mission, and to demonstrate, Leo..."

"Anh-danh. Mission Specialist Dooley." Leo corrects Mr. Davenport as we stand in the lab. "Will be adding a little more audio-visual pizzazzle to the usual snooze fest." Leo swipes his tablet and plays a video of fireworks on his computer screen. We all gave him looks. "Hey, you want a show? Kick in the dough."

"Tonight, I'm sending you to gather intelligence." Mr. Davenport says.

"Oh, you hear that, Adam? You'd better bring a big basket." Chase says.

"Leo." Mr. Davenport says. Leo taps on his tablet, and a picture of a warehouse shows up on the screen. "I was satellite scouting industrial sites when I found this warehouse that I think is a front for environmental criminals. See these barrels? They're full of toxic chemicals. They're expensive to dispose of properly, so they're probably just gonna dump them into the sea."

"Which could harm ocean life and obliterate the coastline," Leo says. We hear Bree laughing hysterically and turn our heads to see her talking on the phone.

"Owen, you are so sweet. Yes, I will Bree your valentine." Bree says. She turns to us. "See, he took my name and..."

"Yeah, we got it," I say.

"Even I got it," Adam says. "I didn't get it."

"What is going on?" Mr. Davenport asks.

"She's talking to Owen again," Adam says.

"He's an artist, and he claims that Bree is his muse," I say.

"Well, I for one, am not a-mused." Mr. Davenport says. Leo plays a wah-wah-wah tone on his tablet. Adam and I laughed while Chase looked at him, annoyed.

"Gimme that!" Mr. Davenport says, taking the tablet from Leo. "And you, off the phone!"

"Ugh! Fine," Bree says, hanging up the phone. "Just tell us what you invented, what went wrong, and how long till it blows up."

"Look, the police cannot bust these guys without evidence, so I need you to sneak in there, and gather samples." Mr. Davenport says. "Show 'em the barrel." Leo pulls a sheet and shows us a barrel. We all walk over to it. "Now, there's only one safe way to get the samples and Leo..."

"Ahem," Leo says.

"Sorry, Mission Specialist Dooley will demonstrate." Mr. Davenport says. "First, take the canister and attach it to the spout. Push down and turn forty-five degrees..." Leo struggles to turn the canister, and Mr. Davenport helps him open it. "To create an airtight seal. Then pull the handle." We hear Bree laugh again as we see her text on her phone.

"LOL, Owen!" Bree says.

"Bree!" Mr. Davenport says.

"Come on! Why do I have to pay attention all the time? Strong. Smart. Can walk through walls. Fast. Let's just do this already." Bree says. She super speeds away while texting on her phone, but she slams into the lab doors and falls to the floor.

"Bree, how many times have I told you? No texting while super speeding!" Mr. Davenport says. Bree turned to him and glared at him from the floor.


"You know, for a shady warehouse, this place has a fantastic vending machine," Adam says as he walks into the warehouse.

"Couldn't agree with you more, Adam. These pretzels are amazing." I say.

"Where is Bree?" Chase asks. "If Mr. Davenport finds out she's late for a mission, she's gonna be in big trouble." Adam's phone beeps and he pulls it out.

Lab Rats Season 2 Where stories live. Discover now