Perry 2.0

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At school, Leo, Chase, Kyle, and I were walking down the stairs when Perry entered the hallway with an old microphone and a student was holding a speaker behind her. "Morning, germ sacks. I know that you've all been complaining that the technology around here isn't quite..." The microphone starts to get some feedback. Perry began hitting it on her hand which caused a loud high pitched sound to come from the speaker and we all covered our ears. "State of the art. So, thanks to yours truly, we're getting cutting-edge equipment for the whole school to enjoy. Jojo! Betty! Let's go, ladies. Wheel it like it's hot."

We all turn to see two lunch ladies wheeling in an old-fashioned TV. "Behold! Mission Creek High's brand new media center!" Perry says.

"I don't think you can call it technology if you have to change the channel with pliers," Leo says.

"Why do I smell formaldehyde?" Chase asks.

"'Cause I found it on a curb outside the morgue," Perry says and our eyes widened. "I'm getting all my Christmas presents there, too. Aunt Dotty's gettin' sheets!"

"How is this thing new?" Kyle asks.

"It's new to you, butch," Perry says.

A boy walks up to Adam and Bree across the hallway. "Oh, terribly sorry to trouble you, but could you help me find me locker?" The boy says in a thick Irish accent.

"I...I'm sorry, I don't speak leprechaun." Adam says.

"But he is fluent in doofus," Bree says. She looks at the boy's schedule. "Oh, you're right there at three twenty-four."

"Brilliant. Oh, I'm Alistair, by the way. Foreign exchange student from Ireland."

"Oh, nice to meet you, Alistair. I'm Bree, and this is my brother Adam. I can show you around, and he...can show you how to warm up a sandwich in your armpit."

"But I'm warning you, the cheese sticks are gonna get messy," Adam says.

"Welcome to America," Bree says.

"Cheers," Alistair says. He walks away.

"Wait a second. New kid? From a foreign country? Do you know what this means?" Adam says.

"That you're not the only one we'll have to speak slowly to?" Bree says.

"No. He's a bionic spy." Adam says. Bree gives him a look. "Well, think about it. Marcus was the new kid, and look what happened with him. We can't take any chances. You hold him down, I'll strip him for parts."

"No! Adam, you are overreacting. Alistair seems like a nice guy." Bree says. She waves to Alistair who waves back.

"You know who also seemed like a nice guy? Marcus! Alistair's a bionic spy, and I'm gonna prove it." Adam says. "Even if I have to learn how to speak Ireland-ish."

Perry walks back into the hallway. "Okay, let's fire up the media center!" She plugged in the TV. It turns on for a moment but it short circuits and takes out the power in the building. "Okay, okay...minor setback. For the record, you all look much better in this light."


After school, I invited Kyle over so we could study for our history test. "Guys, read what's on page forty-seven of your history book," Chase says as we sit in the lab.

"I don't have a page forty-seven. I have a four, a twelve, a thirty-two, and what I hope is gum on ninety-eight." Leo says.

"At least you have pages, my book is empty," I say, holding up the cover.

"Yeah. And most of the pages in my book have scribbles in them. There is also one very inappropriate drawing on page five." Kyle says.

"What is it?" I ask. Kyle shows me the page and I gasp.

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