No Going Back

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"Ohh, I am so glad that school's over. Mrs. Thistle talked for an hour in history. She's ninety...should she really be wasting all that breath?" Bree says as she, Adam, Kyle, Chase, and I walk down the stairs at school. Leo wasn't in school today because he was sick with a cold.

We noticed that the lunch ladies were scanning each student with metal detectors as they left the school. "What's all this?" Chase asks.

"Listen up, frog spawn! Security check. Put all metal objects in the bucket, then proceed to the wands for a more thorough search." Perry says as all the students put their phones in a red bucket.

"Principal Perry, what's going on?" Bree asks as we walk over to her.

"Someone's been stealing laptops from the computer lab, so I'm gonna bust the perp. Or perps." Perry said as she looked at us. "Bottom line, no one leaves this school without going through those metal detectors. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna sort through your loose change and have a little heart-to-heart with the vending machine."

"Guys, we cannot get wanded. Those things will go off like crazy when they detect our bionics." Bree says.

"Well, what are we gonna do? She's totally gonna bust us." I say.

"Bust ya for what?" Perry asks as she walks up to us. "What are you hidin', pipsqueak?"

"Um...heh...she's not hiding anything." Bree laughs nervously.

"Well, she does have some of last year's Halloween candy stashed inside a toy chest hidden in one of our closets at home," Adam says, making me give him a look.

"I was saving that for special occasions," I say.

"Yeah, well, not anymore," Adam says.

"Let's go." She says as she drags me over to the lunch ladies. "Empty your pockets."

"Principal Perry, I..." I stammered.

"Comply, perp!" Perry shouted, cutting me off. I put my phone into the red bucket. "Wand her." The lunch ladies scan me and when they reach my neck, it starts beeping rapidly, detecting my bionic chip. "Well, what do you know? We got one. Flank her, girls. The little ones always put up a fight!"


After the lunch ladies scanned me, Perry had the lunch ladies scan Adam, Bree, Kyle, and Chase. Because Kyle was not bionic, he was free to go but he decided to stay to make sure we were okay. The metal detectors kept detecting our bionic chips and Perry was confused as to why the metal detectors kept going off. "Everyone else cleared the checkpoint hours why do you four flesh bags keep settin' it off?!" Perry asks. "You may not have the laptops, but you're hiding something. Maybe another pat down from Carol and Deb will make ya talk."

"No. No. We're good." Bree says.

"The first one already scarred me for life," I say. The five of us tried to leave but Perry stopped us.

"Don't move! No one's going anywhere till I get to the bottom of this." Perry says. She pulls out her phone and walks into her office.

"Guys, we have got to get out of here," Chase says.

"Relax. We just have to wait her out. There's no way Perry can actually see our bionics unless she rips our skin off." Adam says.

"Have you met Carol and Deb?" Bree says as we watch the two lunch ladies wrestle each other. "I'm pretty sure it's in their wheelhouse."

"Okay, bye. Great news!" Perry says as she walks out of her office.

"You're letting us go?" I ask.

"No!" Perry laughs. "I made a little call over to my friend Chet over at airport security, and he's gonna let me borrow an x-ray machine."

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