Llama Drama

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The next morning, we were all down in the lab getting ready for school. "Hey, could I use this?" Adam asks, holding up a glass jar in his hand. "I need a place to store my toenail clippings." We all look at him in disgust.

"You save your toenails?" Leo asks.

"Of course. They're nature's toothpicks." Adam says.

"You don't even want to know what he flosses with," I say.

"You really don't," Adam says.

"Hey, get away from that. It's not empty!" Chase says, running over to us. He takes the glass jar away from Adam. "There are thousands of metallic nanobots in there!"

"Well, then, why can't I see them?" Adam asks.

"Because they're microscopically small," Chase says.

"But you and Cassie are microscopically small and I can still see you guys," Adam says, making me and Chase give him a look.

"Nanobots are so tiny, they're invisible to the human eye," Chase explains. "Here, I'll show you. Put these on." Chase hands Adam a pair of glasses and he can see the nanobots.

"Whoa!" Adam exclaims.

"They function like mini-doctors inside the human body. When patients swallow them, they'll seek and destroy any diseased cells or foreign matter." Chase says.

"Ooh. I got a tennis ball and a mini Statue of Liberty somewhere in my gut." Adam says, patting his belly. "It's time to swallow a search party." He picks up the glass jar.

"Adam, no! Those are valuable." Chase says.

"Come on, guys, we don't want to step on broken glass," Bree says to Leo and me.

"What broken glass?" Leo asks.

"Gimme!" Chase says as he and Adam fight over the glass jar. They accidentally drop the jar and it shatters on the floor.

"Right," Leo says. Bree, Leo, and I leave the lab. Adam puts on the glasses and watches the nanobots scatter across the floor.

"Oh, ho, ho, man! Those little guys sure run fast!" Adam says.

"If we lose these, Mr. Davenport will kill us. Great! Once again, I have to clean up your mess." Chase says. "Just don't step on them."

"Hey, dude, I got this," Adam says. "I'll just grab a paper towel and pick 'em up." Adam steps on the nanobots to go find a paper towel.

"Adam!" Chase says.

"Yeah, you're right. Better get the vacuum instead." Adam says. He steps on the nanobots again to go get the vacuum cleaner.

"Stop!" Chase says.

"I hear ya. Better grab the mop." Adam says. He steps on the nanobots again and walks out of the lab.


"Why is Dewey the Dingo standing in the middle of the hallway?" Chase asks as he, Adam, Kyle, and I stand in the hallway at school.

"Uh, I don't know, but I think it means we get six more weeks of winter," Adam says.

Suddenly, the lights dim and a spotlight circles the hallway. "Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the principal, a four-foot-eleven spitfire from Portland, Maine, Terry Perry!" Perry shouts into the intercom before running out of her office in a sweatband. She high-fives the students and stands next to Dewey the Dingo. The lights turn back on. "Just thought I'd spice up the morning announcements. Takes me back to my days of playing semi-pro ball in Romania." Perry tosses her sweatband to a student. "Here ya go, kid. Souvenir." A disgusted look crosses on the kid's face before he walked away with the sweatband.

Lab Rats Season 2 Where stories live. Discover now