Bro Down

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In the lab, Chase is setting up another trap for Adam while cackling maniacally. Bree and I were also in the lab with him. I was drawing in my art journal, and Bree was sitting by Mr. Davenport's computer, reading a magazine. "Okay, what is with all of the happy, squeaky hamster noises?" Bree asks. "Did you finally grow a chest hair?"

"No! I grew two." Chase says. "Actually, this is a little something I like to call Adam's payback."

"For what?" I ask.

"Don't you remember what happened last Thursday?" Chase says.

I thought for a moment before saying, "Oh, yeah." We flashback to last Thursday when Adam was pulling a prank on Chase. Adam, Bree, Leo, and I were standing in the living room.

"Adam, there is no way you can clear that counter," Leo says.

"I bet you five dollars Adam makes it," I say to Leo.

"You're on," Leo says, and the two of us shake hands.

"I can reach that easy," Adam says.

"I've seen him do it," Bree says.

"Hey. What you guys talkin' about?" Chase asks as he enters the house.

"This." Adam grabs Chase and throws him across the room. Chase screams as he slams into the chairs at the counter.

Leo looks at me and smiles as he holds out his hand. I reach into my pocket and hand him a five-dollar bill.

Flashback ends

"Oh, yeah. We all love the bionic brother toss." Bree says.

"Yeah? Well, let's see how he likes this." Chase says. Adam and Leo walk into the lab. Leo sees the rope Chase set up for Adam and steps over it.

"Trap," Leo says. Adam steps in the rope.

"Trap what?" When Chase presses a button, Adam's foot is caught in the rope, and he hangs upside down from the ceiling.

"Oh, yes! It worked! Now let's see how you like being relentlessly manhandled!" Chase says. Leo, Bree, and I gave Chase a weird look. "That came out wrong."

"Oh, the trap was on the floor," Adam says.

"Yep, and now we're gonna play a game called human piñata," Chase says. "But instead of candy, we're gonna guess what Adam had for lunch."

"Ironically, I'm guessing it's candy," I say. Leo, Adam, and Bree nodded their heads in agreement.

"You're forgetting one thing, Chase...I can use my heat vision to break free." Adam says. Adam severs the rope with his heat vision. He fell on top of the console upside down and then onto the floor. When he stands up, our eyes widen when we see his left arm hanging over his shoulder.

"Ha! Nice try!" Adam laughs.

"Uh...Adam?" Bree says as she slowly gets up from her chair.

Adam looks at his bent arm. "Whoa, I never knew my arm could bend like that."

" can't," Chase says.

"Ow!" Adam shouts as Leo faints from behind him.


"You're lucky it's just a dislocation." Mr. Davenport says as he was checking Adam's arm using his cyberdesk. Adam's arm was now in a sling. "How many times have I told you guys not to goof around?"

"Brace yourself, because this is probably gonna shatter your world, but they don't listen to a word you say," Bree says.

"Look, I know this was a freak accident, but he could have seriously been hurt. What if he'd landed on his head?" Mr. Davenport says to Chase.

Lab Rats Season 2 Where stories live. Discover now