Bionic Showdown, Part 2

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"What do you mean, you're our father?" Chase asks.

"Yeah, he's our father," Bree says.

"No, that's what he's been telling you," Douglas says.

"Well, I don't know who you are, but you're going down," Adam says. Adam, Bree, and Chase went to charge at Douglas but Douglas pressed a button and they were teleported inside the cage with me and Mr. Davenport.

"You mastered short-range teleportation before I did?" Mr. Davenport asks. "I've been working on that for years!"

"I know. I'm awesome." Douglas says.

"You're still going down," Adam says. He tries to use his super strength but I stop him.

"Don't bother. I've already tried using my bionics in here. Douglas says that these lasers block our chips." I explained.

"So what are we supposed to do?" Bree asks.

"I don't know. All I've ever done in here was listen to these two argue." I say, pointing to Mr. Davenport and Douglas.


"Eddy, they're trapped. What am I gonna do?" Leo asks.

"Well, if I know you, I'm sure it'll involve a sad little plan and an epic fail. Good luck." Eddy says.

"All right, if I go to the authorities, I'll blow their bionic secret. I'm just gonna have to go there and rescue them myself." Leo says. Eddy starts cackling, making Leo give him a look.

"Oh, you're serious," Eddy says.

"Yes. But I won't stand a chance against Marcus's bionics if I go there empty-handed." Leo says.

"You're not going to," Eddy says.

"What?" Leo asks.

"Donald told me that in a worst-case scenario, someone has to push this button," Eddy says, showing Leo a red button on the screen. "And you being the only one left is the worst-case scenario." When Leo presses the button, a hologram of Mr. Davenport appears in the lab.

"Whoa. It's a hologram." Leo says.

"Adam, Bree, Chase, Cassie, if you're watching this, something terrible has happened." Mr. Davenport says on the hologram. Leo moves his hand through the hologram. "It's time for you to become the heroes you were always meant to be. And whatever it is you're about to face, I know you can handle it without me."

"It's not what he told them yesterday," Leo says in a sing-songy voice.

"Though your bionics are amazing, they may not always be enough. So step into the elevator, and Eddy will take you to a secret floor below the lab: my weapons vault." Mr. Davenport explains.

"He has a secret weapons vault?" Leo asks.

"And Leo, if you are watching this, I do not have a secret weapons vault!" Mr. Davenport says. Leo runs down to the weapons vault.

"Whoa. Look at all this." Leo says once he enters the room.

"A room full of stuff you can use to hurt yourself. I should've showed you this a long time ago." Eddy says as Leo starts packing some weapons into a black bag.

"But, how am I supposed to use it if I don't know how it works?" Leo asks.

"When has that ever stopped you before?" Eddy asks.

"Good point. Let's do this." Leo says.

Once Leo had packed all of the weapons into his bag, he heard the doorbell ring. "Who could that be?" He asks. He walks back into the lab and Eddy shows Kyle standing at the front door. "Kyle? What is he doing here?"

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