Trucked Out

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In the lab, Adam was sitting in a golf cart with a dummy in the passenger seat. "All right, Adam. I borrowed Big D's hydrogen power golf cart to help you practice for your driving test." Leo says. "First step, seat belts."

"Okay...focus," Adam says. He puts on his seat belt. "Yes! Zero to buckle in under five seconds." Adam gives Leo a high five. Chase walks into the lab.

"Oh, look, a dummy driving a dummy," Chase says.

"Ooh, what's this button do?" Adam asks. He presses a button and the cart starts to drive.

"No!" Leo shouts. Chase screams as the golf cart speeds toward him. "Brake!" When the brakes screech to a halt, the dummy flies out of the car and lands on top of Chase.

"Wish all buttons did that," Adam says.


"I can't believe Adam's not back from his driving test. What's taking him so long?" Leo asks as he, Bree, Chase, and I sit in the living room.

"Two words: Adam. Test." Bree says.

"Man, if he passes, it's good news for us and bad news for everyone on the road," Chase says. He chuckles. "Or the sidewalk."

"Well, he has to pass. I need him to drive me to that party on Saturday." Leo says.

"Oh, yeah. I almost forgot about that." I say. "Kyle and I are going to the party, too."

"What party?" Chase asks.

Leo chuckles. "The one you weren't invited to."

"You two were invited to Caroline Davis' party and I didn't?" Bree asks.

"Neither did I," Chase says.

"Well, no surprise there," I say.

"Why were you guys invited?" Bree asks me and Leo.

"Oh, Bree, I'm climbing the social ladder. There are now three or four ladies who make eye contact with me in the hallway." Leo says. Bree gives him a look. "Okay, it's two! But I'm going to the party."

"And since I've been hanging out with Kyle, I've been invited to a lot of parties," I say. We hear the front door opening.

"He's home!" Bree says. We get up from the couch and groan when we see Tasha walk through the front door.

"It's just you," Leo says as we sit back down on the couch.

"Nice to see you, too," Tasha says.

"Sorry, mom. How's it going?" Leo asks.

"Great. I've had the best day. It all started when.."

Mr. Davenport walks through the front door. "Save it for later, woman! Adam's here!" Leo says.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mission Creek's newest fully licensed driver!" Mr. Davenport says. "Adam, that's you."

"Oh, right. Whoo-hoo, I passed!" Adam says, walking into the house. We all cheer for Adam.

"He really impressed me. He got a ninety-six on the test." Mr. Davenport says.

"I didn't even know scores went up that high!" Adam says. "Oh, and get this, Mr. Davenport said if I passed, he'd buy me a car."

"What?!" Tasha says.

"Well, in my defense, I never thought he would pass." Mr. Davenport says.

"Yeah, none of us did," Bree says.

"Preachin' to the choir, people," Adam says.

"Donald, are you sure he's ready for a car?" Tasha asks. "Remember what happened when you bought him a bike?"

Lab Rats Season 2 Where stories live. Discover now