'Twas the Mission Before Christmas

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"Donald, I just noticed the holiday card we mailed out. What happened to the family portrait we took to celebrate our first Christmas together?" Tasha asks as we sit in the living room.

"Oh, I shredded those. These are way more festive." Mr. Davenport says, holding up a greeting card of Santa and reindeers with his face on them. Adam walks over in a Santa suit, holding a tray of uncooked cookies.

"Who wants a Christmas cookie?" Adam asks.

"Ooh, I do!" I say, walking over to Adam. I looked at the tray of cookies to see that they weren't cooked. "Adam, those aren't even cooked."

"Oh, no problem," Adam says. He uses his heat vision to heat up the cookies but he ends up burning them instead. "Careful, they may be hot." He blows on the cookies. Bree enters the house.

"Okay, who covered the entire house in blinking lights? People already think we're weird, we don't need to shine a light on it." Bree says.

"No, I did that. I want to make sure Santa Claus comes to our house first." Adam says.

"Adam, we all love Christmas, but I think you're going a little overboard," Bree says. We heard a banging noise at the door and Chase walked in covered in blinking lights. We all laugh.

"That, however, is spot on." Bree laughed.

"Hey, get back up on the roof. You're ruining my display." Adam says.

"You were lucky a raccoon chewed me free!" Chase says. Suddenly our phones ring with an urgent mission alert.

"That's an urgent mission alert. We have to get to the lab." Mr. Davenport says. Adam, Bree, Mr. Davenport, Leo, and I ran down to the lab except for Chase, who couldn't move.

"Hello? A little help?" Chase says. He tries to hop to the lab but stumbles and falls behind the couch.


"The alert is coming from Facility X, my research center in the frozen tundra." Mr. Davenport says as we walk into the lab.

"Hey, hey, I'm the mission specialist. I'll handle this." Leo says. "The alert is coming from Facility X, his research center in the frozen tundra."

"Wait. The tundra's near the North Pole." Adam gasps. "Santa needs our help! You wrap, you tape, and Cassie and I will go hang with the elves."

"Dr. Evans. Are you there?" Mr. Davenport asks as a young, dark-haired man appears on the screen. The screen was blurry and it was hard to hear the audio.

"Yeah, I'm here. Although there's been a major volcanic eruption nearby and we're experiencing aftershocks." Dr. Evans says. "I'm afraid if we don't act fast..." The video cuts out.

"Oh, Merry Christmas to you, too, Dr. Evans," Adam says. "Rude."

"Sorry, guys. I know the timing's not ideal." Mr. Davenport says.

"It's okay, Mr. Davenport. We know what we have to do." I say.

"Yep. Let's crack open some eggnog and hit it hard after the New Year." Adam says. He runs out of the lab.

After we changed into our mission suits, we stepped out of our capsules and picked up our bags. "I can't believe you guys have to go on a mission on Christmas Eve," Leo says.

"I know. This sucks. I'm waiting on a video call for Kyle to let me know him and his family made it safe to New York." I say.

"How long will they be gone?" Leo asks.

"Till New Years. I know it's not that far away, but I'm gonna miss him so much." I say.

"I'm sure they're gonna be okay." Chase tries to reassure me.

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