Prank You Very Much

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"Hey! Hey, what are you doing?" Leo asks Adam as he walks into the lab. Adam was playing around with the console. "You know you're not supposed to be alone around anything with buttons!"

"I'm pranking Chase for April Fools," Adam says.

"It's November," Leo says.

"Yeah, exactly. April's when people expect to be pranked. But if I do it today, whammo!" Adam says. "It's like a baby with a mustache. You don't see it coming."

"So what's the prank?" Leo asks.

"I rigged Chase's capsule so when he steps in, he'll be showered by fifty gallons of expired milk!" Adam says. "Oh, forty-nine gallons. I needed something for my cereal."

"Ugh. Where did you get fifty gallons of expired milk?" Leo asks.

"Oh, it doesn't come that way. You have to buy fifty gallons of milk and wait." Adam says. They hear the doors in the lab opening. "Oh, here he comes. Act cool."

"I don't need to act. It's in my blood, baby." Leo says, leaning against the table. Bree and I walk into the lab wearing our pajamas.

"Let me guess...pranking Chase again?" I say.

"No. Yeah." Adam says.

"Adam, you're so immature," Bree says, crossing her arms.

"Eh, I've been called worse," Adam says, shrugging his shoulders.

"All right, well, I'm going to bed. Wake me up when I'm old enough to move out." Bree says walking to her capsule. When she steps inside and closes the door, gallons of expired milk falls on top of her. Mine and Leo's eyes widen in shock while Bree glares at Adam.

"Oh, Chase's capsule is the one in the middle!" Adam realized.


After Bree got out of her capsule, Leo and I helped her get cleaned up while Adam wipes down her capsule. Chase walked in and when he saw us helping Bree, he smiled. "Rigged the wrong capsule again, Adam?" Chase asked.

"Maybe," Adam said slowly. Tasha and Mr. Davenport walked into the lab.

"What happened in here?" Mr. Davenport asks. "And why does my lab smell like a locker room at a gym that only cows go to?"

"Honey, who did this to you?" Tasha asks Bree.

"Who do you think?" Bree says, pointing at Adam.

"Wow. Ruining pranks and blaming others. Not makin' any friends today, are you, Bree?" Adam says. I glared at Adam and gave him a little zap. "Ow!"

"Grandma Rose is visiting tomorrow and I want this behavior to stop," Tasha says. "You three go get the cleaning supplies. Now!" Adam, Chase, and Leo leave the lab.

"I am so sick of getting caught in their crossfire. Last week, Chase was pranking Adam, and I ended up in a pet store window!" Bree says. Mr. Davenport and I started laughing, making Bree and Tasha glare at us.

"That's funny." Mr. Davenport says. "I'm sorry...look, I will talk to them, I will lay down the law."

"Thank you," Tasha says. She leaves the lab.

"Look, don't tell Tasha I told you this, but the only way you're gonna get them to stop is to fight fire with fire. You have to prank them, and you have to prank them hard." Mr. Davenport says.

"Do you really think that'll work?" Bree asks.

"It always worked for me when I used to prank Adam and Chase. But the boys kind of learned not to mess with me because I know what's going to happen before it even happens." I say with a smile. "It's one of the pros of being able to see into the future."

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