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Adam, Bree, Chase, and I walk into the lab after another successful mission. "Mission accomplished," Bree says.

"Great job, guys. You saved that island from the biggest tropical storm in decades." Mr. Davenport says.

"And, lucky for you, I brought home a whole bag of hairy fruit," Adam says, dumping the fruit onto Mr. Davenport's console.

"Yeah, just be happy I made him put the pelican back," Bree says.

"Guys, that mission was the finest use of bionics to date. I think we can all agree that strength plus speed plus smarts equals success." Mr. Davenport says. I frowned as Adam, Bree, and Chase gave each other high fives.

"Uh...aren't you forgetting someone?" I ask.

"Oh, right, let's give it up for Mr. Davenport...our fearless leader!" Adam says, putting his arm around Bree. "Whoo!" Mr. Davenport gives Adam, Bree, and Chase high fives.

"What? No! I was talking about me. I saved the mission too." I say.

"Yeah, but I think we all know who did the heavy lifting," Adam says. We all gave him a look. "Well, I'll give you a hint. It starts with an A, ends with an M. There's a big Da in the middle. Okay, guys. It's me."

"Cassie, no offense, but your intangibility is no match for my speed," Bree says.

"And strength," Adam adds, flexing his muscles.

"And smarts," Chase says.

"Ooh, that is a great team name: strength, speed, smarts, and intangi...mmm. Don't worry, we'll find you an s." Mr. Davenport says.

"I'm so tired of these three getting all the attention because they have super speed, super strength, and super smarts," I say. "I never get any of the credit."

"That is not true, Cassie. They just have a lot of flash. But you're the glue that holds that flash together. You're...flash glue." Mr. Davenport says.

"I'm flash glue?" I say.

"Hey, I think I figured it out," Adam says. He cracks the coconut on his forehead to open it up. He looks at Chase. "You're right, Chase. The real work does happen up there." I rolled my eyes and stormed out of the lab.

I went upstairs to the living room, grabbed my art journal, and sat on the couch. Not long after, Chase walked into the living room. "Hey, you okay?" He asked me.

"Do you guys think I'm useless?" I ask Chase.

"Of course not," Chase says.

"Do you think I'm weak?"

"No. Cassie, we were just messing around. We didn't really mean any of that stuff we said." Chase says, sitting next to me on the couch.

"No, I think you did mean it," I say. "I'm always getting made fun of for being the youngest in the group or the shortest or having lame powers."

"Adam is always making fun of me for being short but you don't see me complaining," Chase says.

"You complain all the time," I say.

"So?" Chase says.

"I'm serious, Chase. Sometimes I don't feel like I'm important enough to the team." I say.

"That's not true. You are just as important to the team as any of us are. And your powers are great." Chase says.

"Oh, yeah? How?" I ask.

"Well, your intangibility can help you escape from situations you don't want to be in," Chase says. "Remember when Trent trapped you in the vending machine?"

Lab Rats Season 2 Where stories live. Discover now