Bionic Showdown, Part 1

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"Guys, that was awesome," Leo says as Adam, Bree, Chase, and I run into the lab, cheering, after a mission. "You just prevented the biggest oil spill in history."

"Pretty slick, huh?" Chase asks.

"If only we could've prevented that disaster of a pun," Leo says.

"Hey, uh, Mr. Davenport. Anything you'd like to say to us, rhymes with, good job?" Bree says.

"The answer's in the clue," Adam whispers.

"What were you guys thinking?" Mr. Davenport says.

"Nope. Not even close. Two more guesses." Adam says.

"You completely ignored my mission plan, improvised everything, and jeopardized the entire mission." Mr. Davenport says.

"Mr. Davenport, we bust our butts all the time. And all you ever do is sit around the lab making lists of what we did wrong." I say.

"I do not just sit around making lists of things you did wrong." Mr. Davenport looks down at his tablet and holds it against his chest so we wouldn't see what was on the screen.

"That's true. He also practices Taekwondo in his tighty-whities." Leo says as he gagged.

"They are not tighty-whities. They are breathable exercise briefs." Mr. Davenport says.

"Whatever they are, keep your swinging high kicks away from my screen," Eddy says.

"Look, you guys got lucky this time, but without my precise planning you're opening yourselves up for disaster." Mr. Davenport says. "So just follow my orders." He begins to walk toward the elevator.

"Well, maybe your orders aren't always right," Chase says.

"Um, excuse me?" Mr. Davenport says, turning around.

"He said, well, maybe your orders aren't..."

"I heard him!" Mr. Davenport shouts, cutting Adam off. He leaves the lab.

In a dark room, Marcus is watching us on his tablet. "Oh...I love watching them snipe at each other. Whole team is falling apart."

"I've seen enough." Marcus's master says, taking the tablet. "Marcus, it's time to reclaim what's mine." He swipes his finger across the tablet and looks at a photo of him and Mr. Davenport together. "Let's go pay a visit to my big brother." He smashes the tablet on the ground and he and Marcus leave the room.


The next day, Leo was in the kitchen looking in the refrigerator for his lunch. "Hey, whenever my mom goes away on a news assignment, she always leaves me two peanut butter sandwiches with the crusts cut off. Where are they?" Leo asks. He turns to Mr. Davenport who was eating his peanut butter sandwich.

Mr. Davenport stuffs the sandwich in his mouth and says in a muffled voice, "No idea." Adam, Bree, and Chase walk into the living room. "Hey, guys, don't forget. Training after school, 4:00 pm sharp."

"Oh, okay. Mr. Davenport. Wouldn't want to miss another opportunity for you to tell us everything we are doing wrong." Chase says.

"Oh, and while we're on the subject, do we need a detailed plan to get home from school? Oh, and what are these things we're carrying with words in them?" Bree asks, holding out her journal.

"Oooh," Chase says.

"So this is how it's gonna be from now on? You're just gonna mock everything I say?" Mr. Davenport asks.

"I don't know. Are we?" Adam says in a mocking voice. He turns to Bree and Chase. "Seriously, guys, are we? I missed that part of the plan."

"Come on, guys. Let's go to school." Chase says.

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