The Bionic 500

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"Ugh! This new neighbor has got to go!" Bree groans as she slams the front door. We were standing in the living room in our pajamas as the new rich neighbor was loudly driving on our lawn. I was leaning my head on Chase's shoulder, still half asleep.

"Why does he keep racing his car up and down our street every night?" Chase asks.

"Ooh! I know this one! To get to the other side." Adam says.

"If he doesn't stop soon, I am going to light up his car like the fourth of July," I say.

"He clearly has no respect for my beauty sleep. It takes at least eight hours to look this good. Ten, if you want that Leo glow." Leo says.

"I cannot believe I have to wake up to this." Mr. Davenport says walking down the stairs in his leopard print silk pajamas.

"I can't believe I have to wake up to that," Leo says.

"This is Italian silk. A cheetah wishes he looked this good." Mr. Davenport says.

"A cheetah would have the decency to cover that up with a robe," Bree says. Mr. Davenport opens the front door.

"Hey, Pierce! Get your car off my lawn!" Mr. Davenport shouts. "Let's see how he likes my new high-pressure sprinkler system." Mr. Davenport walks outside and presses a button on his phone. "Okay, set to monsoon." The sprinklers turn on, making the car driving on our lawn stop. "Ha! He's stuck in the mud!" The car gets unstuck and Mr. Davenport gets covered in mud.

"Not anymore," Leo says.


"Leo, how'd you get to be first in line for locker reassignments?" I ask as Bree, Chase, and I walk up to him in the hallway.

"Oh. Since I couldn't get any sleep, I've been here since dawn. FYI, you do not want to see the lunch ladies without makeup." Leo says.

"Wait. They wear makeup?" Bree asks.

"But since I'm first in line, I'll finally get the corner locker," Leo says.

"Wait a second. I thought this was the line for lice check." Adam says. He walks away.

"There she is, locker 106," Leo says. "Away from the traffic, near the cheerleaders, and I can see Principal Perry before anyone else...and a two-second head start can save a life." I stayed behind with Leo while Bree and Chase walked away.

"Listen up, weasels! It's locker reassignment day. Why, you ask? A little trick I learned from my days as a prison guard." Leo and I jumped when Perry slammed her fist on the table. "Never let the perps get comfy! Also, drag your hands through mashed potatoes to check for weapons. Mmm! Enjoy your lunch! All right, Dooley, what locker do you want?"

"The corner one," Leo says.

"Already taken!" Perry says.

"What? By who?" I ask.

"By me." We hear a voice say from behind us. He was a taller boy with dark hair, a blue long-sleeved shirt, and khaki pants. He waved his hand in front of him when he introduced himself. "Clayton Harrington."

"Well, Clayton Harrington..." Leo says, waving his hand in front of him, mocking Clayton. "I know you're new here, but I was first in line."

"Oh, I know. That's why I offered Principal Perry an all-expense-paid trip to go wherever she wants." Clayton says.

"Staten Island cat show, here I come!" Perry says.

"But that's not fair," I say.

"I know. Isn't injustice infuriating?" Perry says. She walks away.

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