Chapter 1: The Dream

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It was a long day on patrol, and Kion was ready to collapse on the ground in exhaustion.

Kion walked into the cave, dragging his paws. He flopped onto his side. "Tired huh?" Kiara chuckled as she walked up to him. Kion nodded. Kiara layed down next to him, and fell asleep.

(Pretend Kion is a teenager)

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(Pretend Kion is a teenager)

Kion drifted into sleep. For a while, Kion didn't really dream of anything, his mind was just blank. Then, slowly, something started coming into view.

Kion waited, untill he could see what it was. The figure was a beautiful chocolate brown lioness, a little younger than Kion.

Kion jolted awake

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Kion jolted awake.

Kion didn't know what to do. He had never dreamed of a lioness before. Kion stood up and walked outside.

Simba heard pawsteps. He looked up and saw Kion leaving Priderock. Simba heaved himself up and followed him.

Kion walked down Priderock, and sat in the cold grass, looking at the stars. Simba sat next to him.

"What are you doing up?" Simba asked. "Couldn't sleep," Kion replied. "But you've been patrolling all day. I thought you were tired?" Simba raised an eyebrow.

Kion looked at Simba. "Dad, I had a weird dream," Kion said. "About what?" Simba asked. Kion hesitated. "C'mon Kion, I'm your father. Tell me," Sinba said.

"It was about a lioness," Kion admitted. Simba smirked at him. "I don't even know who she is. She just came into my mind," Kion explained.

"That doesn't make sense

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"That doesn't make sense. How can you dream about a lioness you've never met?" Simba raised an eyebrow.

Kion shrugged. "What did she look like?" Simba asked. "Well, her fur was chocolate brown, and so were her eyes. She had a dark stripe along her back, and she had a scar, but not on her face like me. Hers was on her leg," Kion explained.

Simba thought for a moment. "I've never heard of a lion with chocolate brown fur," Simba said. "But I saw her! She was there!" Kion shouted. "Maybe it was your imagination?" Sinba thought.

"Maybe," Kion sighed. "Did she talk or anything?" Simba asked. Kion shook his head, "No."

Simba looked at Kion. "Kion, just try not to think about it, ok?" Kion nodded. Simba walked back to Priderock. Kion looked at the stars.

He sighed

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He sighed. "Who are you?"

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