Chapter 6: Worried

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Kiara stood up, and walked out of Priderock. Simba walked up to her. "Is Kion ok?" He asked. "Well, maybe, he just came back from watching the stars," Kiara replied.

"What? He needs to get some rest, why is he staying up all night?" Simba asked. "My guess is he is thinking about that lioness," Kiara replied.

Simba sat down and Kiara walked closer to him.

"That lioness isn't even real

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"That lioness isn't even real. Why doesn't Kion just focus on his duties?" Simba asked, partially to himself.

"Dad, I think Kion 'found' his first love, even if he made her up," Kiara said. "But you can't love something that doesn't exist," Simba replied.

"But she could be real. But she might just live far away," Kiara stated. Simba thought about it. "But how would Kion know if this lioness exists? How can he have dreams about her if he's never met her?"

"Dad, the world is full of mysteries. For all we know, it could be Mufasa sharing these dreams to Kion," Kiara said.

Simba sighed. Kiara put her paw on his shoulder, "Let Kion dream. He has never had fantasies about a lioness before this coukd be good for him to step away from reality."

"I guess your right," Simba smiled slightly. Kiara walked off Priderock. Kovu had asked her to meet him.

Simba walked inside Priderock, and looked at his son, sleeping. Simba approached him.

"Kion?" Simba asked. Kion opened his eyes, and yawned, "Hi dad." "Kion, can you get more sleep at night, please. I'm worried for your health," Simba asked.

"I get enough sleep," Kion lied. "If you count 5 seconds as a good night's rest," Simba chuckled. Kion sighed, and sat up.

"Dad, the lioness I dream about, she's still in my dreams, but is also in the stars. It comforts me when I watch her constellation," Kion admitted.

"But Kion, what about patrol. You can't sleep during the day everyday," Simba said. "I think the guard can survive without me," Kion chuckled.

"You really like this lioness, don't you?" Simba raised an eyebrow. "Yea, I do," Kion sighed. Simba pulled Kion into a hug, "Kion, you can stay up at night if you want. And if you believe this lioness if real, I will too," Simba smiled.

Kion yawned, "Thanks dad." "Of course son," Simba smiled. Kion parted from the hug, and layed down. Simba walked out.

Nala nuzzled Simba. "How's Kion?" She asked. "He's staying up all night. The lioness he dreams about is in the stars now, well, that's what he says. Kion stays up all night watching her," Simba explained.

"That's cute," Nala chuckled. "I'm just wondering, if this lioness is real, how come we've never seen her?" Simba asked.

Nala looked up at him, "Simba, I don't think she is real. I've never heard of a lion with brown fur." "Maybe your right," Simba sighed.

Nala pinned him down.

"Don't ruin this for Kion ok? He is finally escaping reality

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"Don't ruin this for Kion ok? He is finally escaping reality." "That's what Kiara said," Simba chuckled. "And she's right, let Kion fantasize a little. He needs a break," Nala chuckled.

Simba nodded. Nala licked his cheek. She let Simba up, and walked away.

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