Chapter 15: Ah Ha!

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Kion and Rani slept peacefully in the den. Rani's head in Kion's paws, and Kion resting his head on her back.

Kiara walked in to talk to Rani, but didn't get what she expected. "Ah ha! I knew it," Kiara chuckled. She couldn't believe Rani actually let Kion sleep with her.

Kion lifted his head to a noise. He saw Kiara. "Oh no," Kion panicked. "I see you had a good night," Kiara chuckled.

Kion quickly thought of something to say. "More than what I can say with you and Kovu," Kion smirked.

Kiara sighed, her brother always had a reply to burn her first one.

"So she actually let you sleep with her though?" Kiara asked. Kion nodded. "Wow, that's some trust right there," Kiara chuckled.

"Hey what's not to trust about me?" Kion smirked. "Your witty remarks Kion," Kiara replied. "Sorry, can't help myself. Whenever I see a chance, I take it." "Yeah I know," Kiara rolled her eyes playfully.

"Ok so how was Rani's reaction when you told her you had dreams about her and saw her in the stars?" Kiara asked.

"I...haven't....told her yet," Kion replied. "Boy you dun messed up," Kiara chuckled. "You had to say that," Kion frowned. "I've been waiting for the perfect time to use it," Kiara smiled.

"Ok, how did I mess up?" Kion asked. "Bye not telling her HELLO! She's going to be mad you kept it from her." Kiara shouted.

"Kept what from me?" Rani asked. Kion saw Rani looking at him. "I'll leave now," Kiara chuckled.

Rani looked back at Kion. Kion gulped, "So uh, Rani. We lied when we said we cane here because we got kicked out of our pride," Kion said.

"It's ok, you had to lie, it was personal, I understand," Rani replied. "Umm, it's not that," Kion looked away.

"What is it then?" Rani asked. "Rani, everyday for a couple of weeks I had a dream," Kion said. "How is that personal?" Rani asked.

Kion looked at Rani, "They were about you. I saw you in my dreams, and in the stars. I looked at the stars every night, hoping to see your constellation, I stayed up all night, just watching you. I know it's creepy and weird," Kion sighed.

"Wait, I was in the stars?" Rani asked. Kion nodded. "And how did you dream about me if you've never even met me," Rani asked.

"I don't know. It's weird. But that is the reason we came here. I desperately wanted to meet you in real life. And the reason I didn't attack you during the fight, is that you are to beautiful to fight," Kion admitted.

Rani was Speechless. "You probably think im a creep now," Kion sighed. "No, I don't think that," Rani replied. "Really?" Kion asked. Rani nodded.

"In fact, I think it's cool how I'm in the stars," Rani smiled. "Well, I've tried it with Kiara, she couldn't see you," Kion replied. Rani shrugged, "As long as I'm seen by someone."

Kion smiled. He stood up, and walked out, followed by Rani.

Kion and Rani: I Drempt Of HerWhere stories live. Discover now