Chapter 13: Witty Kion

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Rani led Kion, Kiara, and Kovu to the Tree Of Life.

"Grandmother Janna?" Rani asked. A frail lioness lifted her head. "Yes princess?" Janna replied.

Kion gasped. He couldn't believe it, she was the princess of this territory.

"These lions are here because, actually, you never said why you wanted to come here," Rani looked at Kion.

Kion didn't want to say he came because of a dream he had of Rani.

"We were kicked out of our pride," Kovu quickly stepped in.

"Oh no! What for, if I may ask," Rani asked. "It's personal," Kiara said. Rani nodded.

"They were wondering if they could stay," Rani asked. "Of course," Janna smiled, "Find them some dens."

They walked out. Kiara walked to Rani. She whispered in her ear, "I think you and Kion should share a den."

"Hold on what!" Rani looked at Kiara. Kiara chuckled, "You two look like a match to me." "Ha in his dreams," Rani laughed. "Literally," Kiara replied. "What do you mean?" Rani asked.

"Nothing," Kiara giggled.

Rani led Kiara and Kovu to a den. "Night Kion," Kiara smiled. "Night, don't make to much noise trying for more cubs," Kion smirked.

"Kion!" Kiara shouted. She sighed, her witty younger brother was back.

Rani chuckled, "Kion, you shouldn't say that." Kion smirked. "Ok let's take you to your den," Rani chuckled.

"So..where do I sleep?" Kion asked looking around. "Not sure, how about in the lake?" Rani giggled.

"Oh ok, which one?" Kion asked. Rani didn't actually think he'd take it seriously, but wanted to see how far he would go.

"This way," Rani led him to a lake.

Rani decided to pick the coldest lake.

Rani led Kion to it. "This is called, Dark Wave Lake," Rani said. Kion put his paw in the water. "Hevi cabisa!" Kion shouted and jumped back.

"This is your den," Rani said. Kion nodded. He walked into the lake, resisting the ice cold water piercing his fur.

Kion layed down, he was shallow enough so that his head was above the water.

"Wait Kion get out!" Rani shouted. Kion was confused. "You'll die get out!" Rani shouted. Kion walked out.

He shook his fur dry, but in the process, he got Rani wet.

"Ahh!" Rani shreaked. "Oh sorry," Kion chuckled. "I was joking, I didn't actually think you would go into the lake," Rani said.

"Oh, I thought you were being sincere," Kion replied. "Why would I be sincere about that!" Rani shouted. Kion shrugged.

Rani looked at Kion, he was slightly shivering. "This way Kion," Rani said. Kion raised an eyebrow, "You going to bring me to a cliff with sharp rocks at the bottom and push me off?"

Rani chuckled. Kion followed her.

Rani led Kion to a cave. "Because I almost killed you, by freezing you, you can share a den with me tonight," Rani said.

Kion's mind started swirling. The lioness he liked, invited him in her den, to sleep with her.

"Kion you ok?" Rani asked. Kion could only nod.

"Do you want me to sleep next to you to keep you warm?" Rani asked.

Kion blushed. He didn't know how to answer. If he said yes, he would seem like a creep, but if he said no, then he would miss a chance to sleep with the lioness he had dreamed about for weeks.

"Kion?" Rani asked. "Uh you decide," Kion said. "Ok," Rani smiled.

Kion layed down. Rani went to his chest, and cuddled with him.

"Your fur is soft," Kion said. "Don't get used to it. This is only for tonight," Rani replied. Kion nodded. Rani looked at him, "Your fur is soft too." Kion smiled and fell asleep.

Kion and Rani: I Drempt Of HerWhere stories live. Discover now