Chapter 19: Explanation

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Kion walked away from Kiara and Kovu. He looked down at his paws, not seeing where he was going.

Kion crashed into someone. "Sorry," Kion mumbled and looked up. He gasped, it was Rani.

Rani started to walk away. "No Rani please listen," Kion begged. Rani rolled her eyes and turned around.

"Rani, those things I said to that lioness, they weren't for her, they were for you. I just, didn't know how to admit my feelings, so I got some practice, but you saw it the wrong way," Kion explained.

Rani was Speechless. Kion really thought those things about her.

"I should have just told you, or kept those things to myself," Kion sighed. Rani looked up at him.

"So, those things you said, were for me?" Rani asked, taking this all in. Kion looked away, embarrassed.

Rani smiled. She kissed his cheek. Kion whipped his head around, facing her. Rani looked down and blushed.

"Thanks Kion," Rani smiled, "And sorry I got mad at you." "It's ok," Kion smiled back.

Rani and Kion didn't know what to do next. They sat in awkward silence for a couple minutes.

"Soo, now what?" Kion asked. Rani walked closer to him. She slid her paws up his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I don't know, what do you want to do," She smirked. Kion gulped. Rani kissed him. Kion smiled.

Rani took her arms off Kion's neck. "Kion, I love you," Rani smiled.

Kion was shocked. He never thought Rani would be the one to say it first.

"I love you to Rani, ever since I saw you in my dream," Kion smiled. Rani nuzzled him.

"Kion, from now on, you share a den with me," Rani said. Kion smiled.

"Alright, let's go to Kiara and Kovu," Kion said.

This chapter is dedicated to KionloveRani, and X-bladeAskari. You guys are great people! Thank you for everything nice you say about my book. You guys are awesome!

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