Chapter 18: You Broke Me First

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Rani ran away crying. She couldn't believe Kion liked someone else. Rani fell to the ground in tears.

Kion walked around looking for Rani. He found her crying.

"Hey what's wrong?" Kion asked as he walked up to her. "Leave me alone Kion!" Rani cried. Kion was genuinely confused, "Rani, I'm confused. Are you ok?" Kion asked. He layed next to her.

Rani pushed Kion away. "If you want to lay with someone, lay with that lioness you admitted your feelings to," Rani growled.

Rani ran away. Kion froze, "No, she heard me practicing, and she thinks I meant it!" Kion shouted outloud.

"RANI WAIT!" Kion ran after her. "Leave me alone!" Rani ran faster. "It's not what you think!" Kion shouted. Rani didn't listen.

"I don't love that lioness, I love you!" Kion shouted. Rani froze. She turned around and walked to Kion. "I don't date players," She spat in his face and walked away.

Kion couldn't believe this. "I shouldn't have trusted Kiara," Kion mumbled and walked away.

Tears slowly streamed down Rani's face.

Kion looked back, and sighed. He should have just had the guts to begin with.

Rani ran into the tree. "Grandmother?" Rani asked, her voice cracked a bit.

"Rani dear, what's wrong?" Janna asked. Rani didn't answer. She just went to Janna and layed next to her.

Rani nuzzled her grandmother, tears still in her eyes.

Kion walked to Kiara and Kovu. "Kion what's wrong?" Kiara asked. "Rani saw me with the other lioness. She thought that I liked the lioness," Kion sighed.

"Oh no Kion, I'm sorry," Kiara went up to hug him, but Kion pushed her away.

"This is your fault Kiara!" Kion growled, "You told me to practice on another lioness. If I didn't take your advice, Rani would still trust me!"

Kiara backed up in fear.

"Kion, it's not her fault, just explain it to Rani," Kovu said. "She wouldn't understand," Kion sighed. He wiped away a tear.

"Just give me a minute," Kion walked away.

"Rani, what's wrong?" Janna asked. "It's personal grandma," Rani sighed. She stood up, "I have to go."

"If you see your parents, tell them I say hi," Janna said. Rani nodded. She walked out.

Kion and Rani: I Drempt Of HerWhere stories live. Discover now