Chapter 21: Pregnant

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Rani and Kion layed down. They instantly fell asleep.

Rani woke up the next morning, ontop of Kion. "Hey, wake up," Rani chuckled. Kion opened an eye, and yawned.

Rani nuzzled him. "Last night was fun," Kion smiled. "Glad you enjoyed it," Rani chuckled. She groaned.

Kion leaned up, "Hey you ok?" Rani clenched her jaw. "Rani?" Kion asked. Rani fell on him.

"What's going on! Are you ok! Rani talk to me!" Kion shouted. "My stomach hurts," Rani groaned. "Are you sick?" Kion asked. "I don't know."

"Let's bring you to Janna," Kion said. Rani nodded. She got off him. Kion stood up.

Rani leaned against Kion as they walked.

They walked into the tree. "Janna?" Kion asked. Janna looked up, "Yes Kion?" "Rani's stomach hurts, is she sick?" Kion asked. "Bring her here," Janna replied.

Kion set Rani next to Janna. Janna felt Rani's stomach, and smiled.

"Rani, your pregnant." Rani smiled, "Really!" Janna nodded. Rani turned to Kion, "Did you hear that!" She shouted, a big smile on her face.

Kion's legs gave way, and he fainted. Rani turned to Janna, who chuckled.

"He's in shock, it's pretty common for a male to faint when they find out their mate is pregnant," Janna explained.

"But it's their fault the lioness is pregnant in the first place," Rani replied. Janna chuckled.

Rani walked over to Kion. "HELLO!" She shouted in his ear. Kion jerked away.

"Ah my ear," Kion brought his paw to his ear. Rani giggled.

"You could have just shook me awake," Kion complained. "You got me pregnant, and untill the cub or cubs are born, I can do what I want because this is your fault. Though I am excited for cubs," Rani said.

"Fine," Kion sighed, then smiled. He stood up. "Bye grandmother," Rani smiled. She and Kion walked out.

"Ok Rani, go into the den, you need to rest," Kion said. "Kion, I'm only like 1 day pregnant, I'm fine," Rani replied.

"Fine, just don't do anything to hurt yourself," Kion replied. Rani nuzzled him, "I won't."

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