Chapter 14: Talking

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On instinct, Kion wrapped his arm around Rani. Rani quickly stood up. "Nope, we aren't doing that. Sorry Kion, you ruined it," Rani walked away from Kion, and slept a distance from him.

"Idiot, why would you do that," Kion growled at himself for doing that.

Rani layed a ways from Kion. She watched him. It looked like he was mad with himself.

"Hey, you ok?" Rani asked. Kion's head popped up, "Yeah, fine." "Really, because you seem mad at yourself," Rani raised an eyebrow. Kion sighed.

"Yeah, I am. I shouldn't have done that without permission, sorry," Kion apologized. "It's fine, I'm just not used to a male wrapping his arms around me, so I kind of panicked," Rani explained.

"Wait, you've never had a boyfriend before?" Kion asked shocked. Rani shook her head. "I find that hard to believe," Kion said.

"Why?" Rani asked. "Well, your super beautiful, and very pretty," Kion said. He covered his mouth when he realized he said that outloud.

"Wait, your think im beautiful?" Rani asked. Kion slowly looked away from her, still covering his mouth.

Rani chuckled, "Don't be embarrassed Kion."

Kion didn't reply. Rani stood up and walked over to him. "Thanks for the complement," She smiled.

Kion looked up at her, not knowing what to do.

Rani went into Kion's chest. "You're my pillow from now on," She said. Kion didn't know how to react.

Rani started licking behind Kion's ears. Kion closed his eyes in relaxation.

Rani's licks went down to his shoulders, to his back. Kion rested his head on his paws.

"Relaxed?" Rani asked. Kion nodded. Rani chuckled and went back to cleaning him.

Kion was super relaxed. Rani's rogue tongue against his body soothed him.

After a while, Rani finished cleaning Kion's fur. She put her head under his chin.

Kion didn't know if Rani thought they were mates, or was just doing these things because she felt bad, but he didn't ask.

Rani fell asleep in Kion's paws. Kion didn't know what to do. For a while, he just watched Rani sleep.

Kion then got drowsy. He set his head on Rani's back and fell asleep.

Kion and Rani: I Drempt Of HerWhere stories live. Discover now