Chapter 17: No...

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They took a break. "So Rani, are you and Kion mates yet?" Kiara asked. Rani looked at Kion, "No, we aren't."

Kion sighed. He thought that after their night together, Rani would think of them as mates.

"Oh ok," Kiara leaned against Kovu. Rani stood up, "I need to go, my parents need me," Rani walked away. Once Rani was out of sight, Kiara turned to Kion.

"I thought you made a move," Kiara raised an eyebrow. Kion sighed, "No." "C'mon Kion, I know you aren't a pussy cat, why aren't you making your move?" Kovu asked.

"I don't know, I get scared when it comes to Rani," Kion replied. Kiara raised an eyebrow, "No, you just don't want to do it." "YES I DO! The words just never come out of my mouth," Kion sighed.

"You need practice," Kiara smiled. Kovu nodded. "Huh?" Kion was confused. "Ok, practice on me. Pretend I'm Rani," Kiara said.

"How is this supposed to help?" Kion raised an eyebrow. "Just do it," Kiara ordered. Kion looked at Kovu.

"Uh hi Rani....Ugh I feel like an idiot," Kion covered his face with his paw. Kiara and Kovu chuckled.

"Ok if it's weird practicing on me, ask another lioness," Kiara suggested. "But that's weird, I don't like any other lioness," Kion replied.

"Oh jeez," Kiara shook her head, "Fine don't do it." "Alright. But this is going to be so weird telling a random lioness I like her when I don't," Kion sighed.

"Just tell her your practicing for Rani," Kovu suggested. Kion nodded. He walked away to the closest lioness.

"Excuse me?" Kion asked. The lioness turned around to face him. "Yes?"

"Ok, so I like Rani, but I can't admit my feelings for her outloud. Is it OK if I practice on you?" Kion asked, nervous.

"Sure," The lioness smiled and sat down. Kion took a deep breath.

"You are absolutely beautiful. I have loved you since I had the first dream about you. No one could make me feel anything different. I love you," Kion said.

Rani walked back to Kion, Kiara and Kovu, but she Kion talking to a lioness. She listened in.

Rani gasped, Kion said he loved this lioness. Rani was on the verge of tears. She ran off, crying.

"That was great!" The lioness smiled, "I know you are ready." "Thanks," Kion walked away, looking for Rani.

Kion and Rani: I Drempt Of HerWhere stories live. Discover now