Chapter 2: Clouded Mind

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Kion didn't get much sleep that night. Everytime Kion closed his eyes, the lioness came into his head.

Kion woke up at sun high the next day. Kiara sat next to him. "Finally your up," She chuckled. Kion sighed and stood up. "Hey what's wrong?" Kiara asked.

"Nothing," Kion yawned and walked out of Priderock.

Kion walked into the Lion Guard lair. Bunga jumped up to him. "Morning Kion!" He shouted. Kion yawned, slightly roaring. "Morning Bunga," Kion replied in a drowsy voice.

Ono flew up to Kion. "Did you get any sleep?" He asked. "Not much," Kion's eyes were halfway closed. "Why not?" Fuli asked.

"Couldn't sleep," Kion replied. The guard looked at each other with concern. "Kion, you should sleep today," Fuli said. "I'm good to patrol," Kion replied. "You sure Kion? You aren't looking to good," Beshte replied. Kion nodded.

"Let's go," Kion said, another yawn escaping his muzzle.

The Lion Guard started the patrol. Kion kept stumbling over his feet, and drifting off.

Fuli padded up to Kion. "Kion, we all think you should rest," Fuli said. "I'm totally fine," Kion replied. Then, he collapsed to the ground, and drifted off to sleep.

The Lion Guard chuckled, even Anga. "Let's continue the patrol," Fuli chuckled. The Guard walked off.

Kion fell asleep. He just wanted to get a good rest, but the lioness showed up in his mind again.

Kion jolted awake again. He sighed. Kion decided to talk to his mom. Maybe she would know what to do.

Kion found Nala with the other lionesses by priderock.

Kion approached Nala. The lionesses watched him.

 The lionesses watched him

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"Mom?" Kion asked. Nala looked up, "Yes Kion?" "Can I talk to you?" Kion asked. "Sure, what's up," Nala replied.

"Um, I meant alone," Kion said. "Why can't we just stay here?" Nala asked. Kion sighed, "Fine."

"What's wrong Kion?" Nala asked. "I had a dream last night," Kion said. "Ok," Nala smiled.

"And there was a lioness. She was a little younger than me," Kion explained. "Ooo," The lionesses in the pride chuckled, and smirked. Kion blushed out of embarrassment.

"And what happened?" Nala asked with a smirk, "Do we know her?" Kion shook his head, "I have never even met her. In fact, I've never seen any lion like her," Kion said.

"What did she look like?" Nala asked. "She had chocolate brown fur and eyes. She had a scar on her leg," Kion explained.

Nala nodded. "And I haven't been able to sleep. She takes over my dreams," Kion explained. Nala and the other lionesses smirked.

"What's so funny?" Kion asked. "I think you have a crush Kion," Nala chuckled. "Mom, how can I have a crush if I don't even know who she is?" Kion asked.

Nala shrugged. "Mom, can you help me sleep. Everytime I close my eyes, she's in my head," Kion said. "Of course, come here," Nala smiled. Kion went against his mothers stomach.

Nala gently glided her tongue over Kion, cleaning him. Kion opened his eyes, "I didn't ask for a bath. I can clean myself."

"I am your mother, let me do my job and take care of you," Nala said. Kion smiled and closed his eyes. Nala stroked her tongue over Kion's body again.

This helped Kion. He didn't have the dream of the lioness again. He was able to get a good rest.

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