Chapter 3: Some Teasing

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Kion woke up, still next to his mother. She was talking with the other lionesses. Kion yawned.

Nala looked at him

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Nala looked at him. "My little cub is up," She smiled. "Mom im 17! Don't call me a cub," Kion groaned. "I am you mother and I can call you my cub, because you are," Nala replied.

She wrapped her arm around Kion, and started to clean him. "Moomm!" Kion groaned. The lionesses chuckled.

Kion grumbled. He didn't like being cleaned. He could do it himself, but his mom's rough tongue against his body, made him calm down. Kion layed down, and let Nala clean him.

"You done yet?" Kion asked. "Yes, you can go," Nala chuckled. Kion stood up and ran.

Kion ran into Kiara. "Hi Kiara," Kion smiled. "Hi Kion," Kiara replied. "Hey, I overheard mom and the lionesses talking about you dreaming about a lioness," Kiara smirked.

Kion groaned, "I don't even know if she's real!" "You never know. She could be the one for you," Kiara replied. Kion thought about it.

Then, Kiara pulled Kion to her, and tussled his mane. "My baby brother has a crush!" She giggled. "Ahh Kiara!" Kion groaned. He shook his mane back.

"I can't believe you have a crush. I mean, this is huge! You've never had a crush before!" Kiara jumped around. "Kiara she probably isn't even real," Kion rolled his eye's.

Kiara smirked at him, "You never know." Kion quickly thought of something to say back.

"Oh yeah? And what about Kovu. I know you have daydreams about him," Kion smirked. Kiara froze. "Don't say anything," She said. Kion smirked. "Kion please! I don't want Kovu knowing-" Kiara was cut off.

"Don't want me knowing what?" Kovu walked up to them.

(Kovu 17, Kovu means, "Scar")

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(Kovu 17, Kovu means, "Scar")

Kiara froze. Kion smirked. "What's going on Kion?" Kovu asked.

Kion and Kovu were bestfriends. They got along really well.

"NOTHING!" Kiara shouted. Kovu flinched as she yelled. "Oh sorry, that was a bit loud," Kiara apologized. "Ya think!" Kion covered his ears.

Kovu chuckled. "So what's up Kovu?" Kion asked. "Oh nothing, just wanted to know if you wanted to go on a hunt," Kovu asked. "Sure," Kion replied. "Bye sis!" Kion waved his tail goodbye.

Kion and Kovu walked to the hunting grounds. "So what's up with Kiara?" Kovu asked. "I'm not sure," Kion lied. Kiara may tease him, but he couldn't say she had a crush on Kovu. That would just break their bond, and trust.

"Alright, then what's up with you?" Kovu asked. "Huh?" Kion looked at him. Kovu sighed, "Nevermind." "Ok," Kion shrugged.

Kion and Kovu stalked a zebra. They both pounced. They quickly took it down.

"Let's take this to the pride," Kovu said. Kion nodded. The two males dragged it back to Priderock.

As sunset approached, everyone in the pride ate the zebra Kion and Kovu caught, and two gazelles.

The pride had a talk after that. Kiara sat by Kion. She whispered in his ear, "You have a crush." Kion growled, "Stop it Kiara." Kiara chuckled. "I said stop!" Kion roared.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Kion. Kiara pinned her ears to her head.

Simba glared at Kion. "Kion, you can't talk to your sister like that. Go inside Priderock, your grounded." Kion rolled his eye's and walked inside Priderock. He layed down, and went to sleep in an angry mood.

Nala walked into Priderock

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Nala walked into Priderock.

"Kion?" Nala asked. Kion grunted and turned around, back facing her.

Nala nuzzled Kion. Kion pushed her away. "Kion, what's wrong?" Nala asked. "Nothing, leave me alone," Kion growled.

Nala sighed and walked out. Sarabi walked up to her. "Having troubles with Kion?" She asked. Nala nodded. Sarabi walked in Priderock.

"Kion?" Sarabi asked. At the sound of his grandmother's voice, Kion jumped up and ran to her. They layed down.

"Kion dear, what's wrong?" Sarabi asked

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"Kion dear, what's wrong?" Sarabi asked. "Kiara keeps teasing me," Kion replied. "And did you ask her to stop?" Sarabi raised an eyebrow. "I did, but I yelled," Kion said.

"You probably shouldn't have yelled. If you didn't, you wouldn't be grounded," Sarabi slightly chuckled. Kion sighed.

Sarabi cuddled up next to Kion.

Whenever Kion was around his grandmother, he acted like a little cub sometimes. Kion purred, and fell asleep.

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