Chapter 5: Can't Explain It

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Kovu walked up to Kion. Kion lifted his head. "Kion you alright?" Kovu asked. Kion sat up. "No, I'm not. This lioness I'm dreaming about, she is absolutely beautiful, and last night I saw her in the stars," Kion said.

"Kion, I know you want this lioness to be real, but how are you sure it's not just your imagination?" Kovu asked. "I'm not sure," Kion sighed.

Kovu put his paw on Kion's shoulder. "Kion, if you believe this lioness is real, I will believe you. But, don't only get distracted on her, for all we know, she could just be your imagination. Focus on your family right now, they need you more than someone you dream about," Kovu said.

Kion looked up at Kovu. "Yeah I guess," Kion mumbled. He kicked some dirt with his paw.

"Kion, you can still think about her, but don't let her take your whole life," Kovu said. Kion nodded sadly.

"Talk to ya later Kion," Kovu walked out of the den. Kion slumped down. He so desperately wanted this lioness to be real.

Kion walked out of Priderock. He needed to talk to his grandfather.

Kion went to an open field. "Grandfather?" Kion asked. Mufasa appeared.

"Yes Kion, I'm here," Mufasa smiled

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"Yes Kion, I'm here," Mufasa smiled.

 "Grandfather, I've been having these dreams about a lioness

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"Grandfather, I've been having these dreams about a lioness. She is a little younger than me. But I don't even know if she's real. I see her in the stars, and my dreams, but I don't know of she is real. Im so confused," Kion looked down.

"I can tell that you like this lioness?" Mufasa raised an eyebrow

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"I can tell that you like this lioness?" Mufasa raised an eyebrow.

"Of course I do! She is absolutely beautiful. I don't really know her personality because I can't talk to her in my dreams, but I do love her, but I feel like she isn't real," Kion sighed.

"Kion, I can't tell you who, or how to love, but you need to believe what's in your heart, and if you believe this lioness is real, then believe that," Mufasa said.

Kion smiled at Mufasa. "I love you Grandfather, thank you." Mufasa dipped his head, and dissapeared.

Kion walked back to the pride. He didn't care what anyone told him, he believed this lioness was real.

Sunset quickly approached for Kion. He was so excited for nightfall, when he could see the lioness.

When everyone was asleep, Kion snuck out of priderock. He sat at the edge, and looked up at the sky full of stars.

Kion looked around for the lioness

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Kion looked around for the lioness. He found her. Kion smiled and layed down. He watched her constellation. The stars flickering every now and then.

 The stars flickering every now and then

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Kion looked at the beautiful lioness. Kion would stay here all night looking at her.

Kion desperately wanted to know her name, but he didn't know if she was real or just his imagination

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Kion desperately wanted to know her name, but he didn't know if she was real or just his imagination. None-the-less, Kion still believed she was real, and out there.

Someone approached him, it was Kiara. She layed next to him. "Looking at stars Kion?" She asked. "Uh yeah," Kion smiled.

Kiara looked up at the stars. "I wonder all the lions that are up there, that we never knew existed," Kiara said. Kion looked back at the lioness. Kiara must not have been able to see her, or couldn't see her.

Kiara looked over at Kion. "I need to apologize. I shouldn't have teased you, and now because of it, your grounded," Kiara sighed.

"Hey it's fine," Kion chuckled. Kiara smiled and stood up. "You coming?" She asked. Kion shook his head. He wanted to spend the rest of the night looking at the lioness.

"Ok, night Kion," Kiara walked away. "Night," Kion replied.

Kion sighed as he looked at the lioness.

Kion sat at the edge of Priderock untill the stars dissapeared, and he could no longer see the lioness.

Kion stood up and walked into Priderock. He layed next to Kiara.

Kiara woke up to something soft by her. She saw Kion. "Kion, did you just come back in?" Kiara asked. Kion nodded. "The Sun is rising! How could you stay up that long?" Kiara asked.

"If there is a reason, I will stay up all night," Kion replied. "Ok, what was your reason?" Kiara raised an eyebrow. "Nothing," Kion yawned.

"C'mon Kion, tell me," Kiara begged, but Kion was already sleeping like a rock. Kiara shook her head.

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