chapter 14.

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❝ curled up in a grip when we were us,
fingers in a fist like you might run,
i settle for a ghost i never knew. ❞

- other side of paradise, glass animals.

- other side of paradise, glass animals

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The village itself was quite lovely, an already set-up market with lanterns lighting up the path. Snow covering the surrounding paths and rooftops of houses, which were made of plain wood. The trees rustled quietly with the wind, giving a sense of peace.

Y/N wouldn't have minded living here.

It had been a while since Y/N had stepped foot in a village, so used to Gyomei's estate. Gazing around, they let themselves have a tiny break before searching for the demon, as it was the closest village to the mountain where the demon was possibly hiding. The demon could even be here in the village, so it was better to double check anyways.

Watching as couples walked by, too absorbed in their conversation to pay any attention to the young slayer. Y/N walked until they saw an old man walking with his shoulders hunched, a gloomy look on his face. 'It's better to see if he's seen anything.' Y/N thought, sighing. They didn't want to make him relive anything, but they needed information.

Y/N walked up to the man, "Excuse me, sir," They stopped in front of him, watching as he looked up – his face sunken with dark bags under his eyes, and face creased with wrinkles, "has anything happened here recently?"

"Hah, something happened alright."

His voice was gruff and raspy, as if he hadn't spoken in a while. Y/N looked at him, sadness shining in their eyes, "Would you mind telling me what happened?"

The man sighed but nodded. "It was a demon; my family and I were walking back through the mountains when we hadn't realised how dark it was," He looked down at the blade that was partially hidden by Y/N's dark blue haori, a flash of recognition in his aging eyes, "ah, you must be here to deal with it."

"I am, thank you for your information, please stay safe and stay indoors for now." Y/N nodded, then bowed in respect before taking their leave. Seems they will have wait for the sightseeing, they would like some of that udon from that one stand in the morning. The slayer begun to make their way up the mountain, keeping their guard up as snow trickled down – thankfully they wore warm clothing, so they should be fine.

The h/c haired slayer wandered for an hour before coming to a stop in a middle of a clearing, in front of them was a cave that had dried blood stains on the rocks at the entrance, the blood trailing into the cave. Seems they had found it.

A growl was heard to the left of them, goosebumps raising on their left arm. In a blink, there was a slice heard, blood pouring into the fresh snow staining it crimson, an arm flopping pathetically on the ground. Y/N looked up at the demon who was snarling in anger.

𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭, var!kny x readerWhere stories live. Discover now