chapter 54

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❝ we're running in the moonlight
we're dancing in the open waves
you're hangin' for a good time
something that'll make you stay. ❞

- moonlight, chase atlantic.

- moonlight, chase atlantic

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[honestly... if i had to pick a song that would describe y/n and tanjiro, it would be snowfall by oneheart, but the slowed version. it just fits them so badly, and i love them with my whole heart.]


Y/N sighed as they ran after Mitsuri. The green-and-pink haired woman decided to sprint down the hill after an encounter with a certain black-haired Shinazugawa.

All they heard was crying after he had turned away after Mitsuri tried to introduce herself and ran off - in the exact same fashion as when they had first met him.

It was funny to see it from a different perspective, knowing he didn't mean any harm - he was just rather... shy. It made him even cuter in Y/N's eyes.

"Mitsuri-san, stop running!" Y/N only yelled, just as they were coming up to the village.

All they got in response was, "Ohhhh! Ohhh! It's you, Tanjiro-kun! Tanjiro-kun!"

Y/N put their hand on their forehead and sighed once more, "Of course Tanjiro-kun is here... Next thing you know, we'll have an Upper Moon on our hands with his god damn luck..."

"W-Watch out!" Tanjiro shouted back, hands up in defensive, dotted eyed, "Please be careful! Your breasts are this close to spilling out!

Y/N snorted out a laugh as they continued running. Tanjiro was funny without even trying sometimes.

As the Moon Hashira stopped at the end of the stairs, they watched as Tanjiro pull Mitsuri's borrowed red haori over her chest to cover her breasts in a respectful manner - Y/N had to applaud him.

"Ahhh! Listen to me! Listen, will you?"

Y/N walked over as Mitsuri cried on her knees, Tanjiro just continuously staring with dotted eyes.

"Just now, up there, I got ignored! I said hello, but he ignored me!" Mitsuri cried, then pointed at Y/N, "Y/N-san you saw it! He ignored me!"

"Who ignored you?"

Y/N covered their mouth with their hand and let a few chuckles slip out, letting this one play out.

"I don't know!" Mitsuri answered, "So, I asked him his name, only to be ignored! Isn't that awful? I'm a Hashira, you know!"

Y/N wouldn't lie and say the way Mitsuri was crying and waving her hands about to deliver her sentences wasn't cute. They put their hand on her head and pat it gently.

"And now all the good vibes I got from my bath have been canceled out!"

Tanjiro and Y/N looked at each other with a smile in greeting, Y/N giving a soft giggle. (Tanjiro's eyes definitely softened but no one but he had to know that).

𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭, var!kny x readerWhere stories live. Discover now