chapter 23.

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❝ i can feel it i can't resist it
that sweet devilish smile
you open my locked door so easily
oh my, i see the stars. ❞

- txt, sugar rush ride.

- txt, sugar rush ride

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"There will always be times that you fall down," A voice uttered.

With crossed arms, the 5'8 man with pink hair stood in front of Y/N who had just been beaten to the ground, not harshly, just enough to leave a bruise on their back. Looking to the right of him stood the 5'11 man, his blade sheathed safely in his scabbard. The familiar, but usual black and purple nagagi kimono on him, his face stilled blurred.

"Why can't I be strong like you guys?" Y/N whispered, eyes glazing over with unshed tears that they refused to let fall.

The 5'11 man let out a sigh, and closed his eyes, "We have been alive... for many years. You have your... whole life ahead... of you."

"Also, the fact we are demons, may come into play." The pink haired man snorted.

Y/N rolled their eyes and shook their head at the two demons but stood up and brushed their hands to remove the dirt. They didn't care much for particularities; the two men before them, helped them more than any human had (apart from their parents).

"Whatever." Y/N rebutted, both of the demons knew their view on being a demon, so they didn't try to answer them, "You promised to teach me your breathing style, and I won't stop training until I do. That'll be the last thing I want to learn."

Y/N took a deep breath and continued, "I want to learn how to protect myself without a breathing style first."

The 5'8 demon held a smug aura, "Let's see how quickly you can learn some martial arts, little princess."

A sigh was from the 5'11 demon, already done with the chaotic duo. At least the pink haired wasn't trying to chop their jaw off.

Y/N woke up abrubtly, breathing heavily with shaky breaths. Sitting up in the bed, they looked around and saw the familiar walls of the Butterfly Mansion. Then they remembered; Kibutsuji, the fight, everything.


'He wasn't even using a portion of his power,' Y/N rambled in their thoughts, 'Kibutsuji was playing with me. He didn't even try, he could have just killed me straight away.'

Holding their face in their hands, leaning on their knees, they sighed and rubbed their eyes, ignoring the spike of pain that was brought up every time they took a breath. Y/N had no idea how long they had been asleep, but they could assume that it had been quite long. The Moon Pillar knew they sustained several severe injuries.

𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭, var!kny x readerWhere stories live. Discover now