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the family

↪ song: wonder by EDEN.

❝i never thought, even with my loss of memory, that i'd ever find a family again... but you changed that. you changed me, gyomei- no, you're more oto-san than anything else to me. you've become my found family.❞


Y/N hummed as they swept the place up; even if they knew that in the real world, their old room was spotless, thanks to Gyomei's constant updates (that they could hear). But it was still lonely. 

Lonely, waiting for him.

Except... it wasn't so lonely in the sense they were alone; they had nine dead children with them. 

All of them waiting to welcome Gyomei home.

When Y/N had come to, after dying, they had been surrounded by nine children. Which, first of all, creepy as hell. But in the end, after all the freaking out, the children were able to introduce themselves; the orphans that Gyomei took care of before the demon attacked his old home from before becoming a Slayer.

Y/N was quick to become their pseudo-older-sibling. Making sure they were all cared for, even in the afterlife.

It was easy to realise that had it not been for Akaza, they would have had the same fate as these children.

It was the usual, clean, tidy up time for Y/N, who usually did it when they knew the children were busy with their own things, making sure they had some quiet time to themself as they cleaned.

When a scream shook the whole place.

It took less than a second for Y/N to start running.

Only to be greeted by Gyomei's giant figure in the living room. His eyes, that were usually clearly, completely white, now had stone grey iris' and black pupils.

"You have actual eyes." Y/N blinked, vacantly.

"...And I can actually see you." Gyomei plainly replied.

"Holy sh—"

"No cursing in front of the children, Y/N."


"No! It's okay! Mx. Y/N curses all the time!"

"Yeah, they do!"

Y/N coughed, causing the kids to stop talking and look at Gyomei who looks slightly angry (although the faint swirl of amusement couldn't be hidden in his new development of having actual eyes).

Gyomei just sighs, and sits on the tatami mat. 

Smiling, Y/N turns towards the kitchen, "I'll let you guys catch up whilst I make some tea."

Gyomei nods in thanks, the children all cheering as they have learned to love it when their older sibling makes tea.

As Y/N made the tea, they heard shouts and bursts of excitement, with Gyomei's comforting, deep voice intercepting every now and then. Small laughs coming from the gentle giant, as well.

Then a squawk; and if Y/N didn't know any better, then they would have dropped the cups they were holding and run out to greet their stupidly loyal crow. But they knew better..

Their family was finally home. 

After they finished making all eleven cups of tea, they started bringing them out, four at a time (this took practice, of which Y/N was proud of).

Kazuha immediately happily nested on the top of their head.

"Hey, Kazuha. Thanks for keeping my grave tidy."

Kazuha looked at Gyomei smugly, "See."

As it started getting late (or as late as it could be when it was the afterlife), Y/N shooed them off to their rooms.

It was only when Gyomei and Y/N were alone did they finally relax, two new cups of tea in their hands. Gyomei, immediately knowing what they needed, opened his arms. 

In a flash, Y/N had placed their cup somewhere safe on the floor and fell on top of Gyomei. Kazuha sat down on Y/N's top leg.

"I'm glad you're here, Gyomei."

"You did well, little moon. They truly love you like an older sibling. They kept talking about you."

Y/N smiled shyly, "I tried my best. I've missed you."

"I missed you too," Gyomei whispered back, "We may have more company in the coming years."

"More siblings? Nice."

"I genuinely don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, Y/N."


𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭, var!kny x readerWhere stories live. Discover now