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the sun

↪ song: snowfall by øneheart (ft. reidenshi).

❝in all the stars in the sky, you were the brightest and by far the most beautiful. it's like we're star-crossed lovers, you know, from those books you like to read.❞


Tanjiro never realised death could be this peaceful; after all the deaths he had encountered, had witnessed first-hand. From his own hand, and from other forces.

It was too bad that he's only 25.

Yet, he knew it was coming. Anyone who possessed the mark of the Slayers, wouldn't witness life after 25.

He was just glad he was able to live a little before his death; to go back to the way it all was before Kibutsuji Muzan had found his family and turned his little sister.

Kamado Tanjiro, lying on his bed, took his last breath.

How poetic; to die so young after saving the world seven years prior.


"You've grown taller."

Tanjiro smiled.

"And you're still the same height,"

Y/N stood in front of him, a cheeky smile on their face, hands locked behind their back.

They were still as perfect as the day he had met them.

In a heartbeat, Tanjiro had wrapped his arms around them. A loud 'oof' leaving their lips from the force, but they hugged back just as tightly.

"I've missed you," He choked out; all the feelings, the longing, the pain; the sadness and the want to see them again. It all came crashing down like a waterfall onto him, cascading and turning into tears. "I missed you so much."

Y/N smiled softly, placing one hand on the back of his neck and the other on top of his head, ruffling his soft, red hair. "I missed you too, I've been waiting for you, you know?"

Tanjiro looked up, only to stare into their red-rimmed, wet e/c eyes.

"You've made me wait for you, hm, Tanjiro?" Y/N choked out a noise, something between a laugh and a sob. "How cruel."

Tanjiro chuckled, eyes watering up. "I'm very cruel." He sighed and leaned back into them, letting himself indulge in their warmth, basking in the sense of serenity they gave him. One that he had been deprived of for far too long, in his personal opinion. "But we're here now."

"Here we are," Y/N agreed, going back to ruffling his hair, cheek squashed against the top of his head, "And we now have eternity together."

"...I have so much to tell you, Y/N." Tanjiro whispered against their shoulder, "Himejima- sorry, Gyomei, he adopted some orphans and used his estate to house them, although none of them were allowed to go into your room..."

Y/N just stared off into the distance, the scenery bending and changing around them. They smiled, hearing Tanjiro's voice ramble on about Gyomei and his kids, how Gyomei somehow hadn't died yet, even though he had awakened his mark.

"There's no rush in telling me everything," Y/N murmured once the red-haired paused, "Come."

Y/N left the embrace, backing up a few steps and holding out their hand, "Let's go meet the others. They've also been waiting for you."

Tanjiro only smiled, and without hesitation, took their hand.

𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭, var!kny x readerWhere stories live. Discover now