chapter 22.

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❝ feel, take a deep breath.
listen to their voices.
they believe in you.
you feel what you feel and your feelings are real. ❞

- the whisper of the forest, suran.

- the whisper of the forest, suran

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It had been a few months since Y/N visited Tanjiro, and they were quickly overwhelmed and busy with the number of missions they had been sent on. Having little to no time to themselves, or others. It was one mission after another; demons seemed to always flock to the Moon Pillar's territory that they patrolled.

Flicking their Nichirin sword to get the blood off, Y/N took a deep breath. That had been their third mission in a row, and they were exhausted, and hoping to get some much-needed rest. Y/N ran to the closest wisteria house and settled in, now in a much softer spare kimono that the housekeeper had. Their uniform was being washed, and did had been made ready for them.

The h/c haired was glad for the hospitality of the elderly lady that had welcomed them in; her name was Hisa. She was quick to get everything ready for them and made sure they were alright before heading to wash their clothes. A very kind lady. Y/N hoped none the lower slayers treated her like crap, or called her a ghost.

After eating, Y/N allowed themselves to relax a tiny bit, they knew there would be no missions for tonight, courtesy of Kazuha telling them. The Moon Pillar got their book out and read for a few hours before letting sleep overcome them.


After a fulfilling breakfast and made sure everything was ready, Y/N bid Hisa a goodbye and left. Not having a destination in mind, Kazuha hadn't given them a mission, so they let their feet take them wherever.

Y/N found themselves at a small waterfall and river, deciding to stay there for a bit – their estate was way too far, and they knew a mission was bound to come soon. Relaxing their tense muscles, Y/N sat down on the floor, leaning against a log.

"The view is quite nice, isn't it," Y/N mumbled, lifting their hand to stroke Kazuha's head, "I wonder what life has in store for me."

Kazuha softly squawked at his Pillar, nudging their head, and crooning quickly, enjoying the affection. His Pillar was the best demon slayer in the world! He was glad to be their Kasugai crow.

Y/N got their book out from the nagagi kimono, where it was safely tucked into. Kazuha decided to give Y/N some peace and time to themselves, flying away and making sure there were no demons about.

The Moon Pillar opened up the book, making sure they were on the right page where they had stopped. They were currently on the third book about two teens and one of them had turned into a werewolf – they quite liked the sarcastic, funny human that was friends with the werewolf. Y/N never believed in mythology, as much as it interested them, and they liked to read about it; they already had to deal with demons. As logical as it sounded with the fact that man-eating demons roamed the earth, there was a possibility of mythological creatures being real. Y/N didn't like to think about that; demons was enough of a problem.

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