56. Green Green Dress

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This time, it was Lauren entering Julia's room without waiting for a response to her knock. She and Joey hadn't made it out of bed until late that morning after Julia had already gone out, kissing each other like their lives depended on it. But now she'd showered, Joey was getting ready, and it was about time Julia found out.

"I have something to tell you," she said, no preamble, before she lost her nerve.

Julia didn't look up from her laptop. "You're craving cheese."

"No," Lauren said. She thought her entrance carried a little more dramatic flair than that. But she had been known to be dramatic about cheese.

"You're eloping with the hot cashier at Target."


"You finally got with Joey," she deadpanned.

Lauren said nothing. That got Julia's attention. "Shut the fuck up," she said slowly. "You did not get together with Joey."

Lauren's face split into a grin so wide she thought her skin might break, the joy she'd been feeling since last night unable to be contained. Julia jumped up, laptop sliding off her knees, and squealed so loudly not just Joey but everyone in the neighbouring apartments must hear it.

"Are you fucking serious?"

"Serious, Jules."

"Finally," she said, enveloping her in a tight hug, and Lauren laughed. Julia had been wanting this to happen for forever, and with how happy Lauren was now she didn't know why she'd resisted it for so long. "How did I miss this?"

"It happened last night."

Julia released her from the hug, holding her by the shoulders. "I want to hear everything. Now."

Lauren laughed again, taking a seat on the bed to fill Julia in on all that had happened last night while Julia gripped her hands, her face growing from stunned to downright dreamy.

"And we have a date tonight," Lauren said finally, realising that she needed to go and get ready for it if she wanted to look halfway decent. And, actually, she wanted to look all the way decent.

"I'm so proud of you," Julia said.

"Oh my god, shut up."

"Seriously. I know how much this scared you but... already I've never seen you this happy."

Everything in Lauren softened. "It feels right."

Julia nodded, smiling, and Lauren knew that was what she'd been trying to tell her all along.

"Okay, I'm going before you make me start crying," she said, standing up.

"I love you," Julia said. "Even though you're replacing me as your favourite person."

"Who said you were ever my favourite person?" Lauren said. "I love you."

Back in her own bedroom, Joey waiting in the living room while she got ready, her closet came through. She'd bought this dress for a wedding a few years ago before deciding against it, and it had hung at the back of her closet ever since, never to see the light of day — or so she thought. Now, it seemed it had been waiting for this precise moment.

Green silk, fitted to the hips then flowing down to mid calf, but a slit in one side all the way up her thigh. Spaghetti straps joining a low, wrap front V neckline and an even lower back, with a line of delicate buttons holding it all together. It was more black tie than dinner date, but really, when was she going to get a better opportunity to wear it?

The door opened, and she whipped around even though Joey knew better than to come in, but it was Julia. Her eyes widened, and she whistled.

"Good?" Lauren asked.

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