54. Treasure Hunt

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Before Lauren was even fully awake the next morning, she found herself stretching out a hand to find Joey, only to find the bed empty, a vaguest impression of warmth — which was probably for the best. Rolling over to check her phone, she discovered it was 7:42. Her whole body felt fuzzy with lack of sleep, and part of her wanted to roll back over and fall asleep again, but now there was the niggling curiosity of where Joey had got to so early, so she forced herself up and slipped a sweatshirt on over her pajamas.

Immediately upon opening the door she inhaled the smell of cooking, and when she went into the kitchen Joey was busy at the stove.

"Morning," she said quietly.

He turned over his shoulder with a smile. "Morning. I wasn't expecting to see you this early."

"What are you doing?" she said, crossing the room to lean against the counter beside him. "You must be exhausted."

He shrugged. "I was awake anyway. I thought I'd make breakfast."

"This is a lot of food," she said, looking around.

He raised an eyebrow. "For three people?"

"Oh, right."

"You may be my best friend, Lo, but I'm not gonna leave Julia out," he grinned.

She swatted his arm, ashamed to be called out on the fact that she had entirely forgotten about Julia for a minute there. "This is really sweet of you."

"Good morning," Julia said, coming into the kitchen, trailing off into a yawn.

"Joey's making breakfast," Lauren said.

"He's a catch," Julia said, winking at Joey.

His eyes slid in Lauren's direction and then away, looking a little flustered but very pleased, because they all knew the comment had been directed at Lauren. Now she really wished Joey had forgotten to include Julia in breakfast, and she clattered about more noisily than usual as she set the table just to make a point.

But when the food was ready and the three sat down to eat together, Joey and Lauren side by side and Julia opposite, it was hard not to feel happy in spite of Julia's goading about their relationship. She had two of her best friends, a delicious breakfast, and a great day ahead.

"So do you two have plans today?" Julia asked, setting down her knife and fork when she finished eating.

"Housewives," Joey said jokingly, at the same time as Lauren said, "I'm taking Joey out."

He turned to her, eyebrows raised. "You are?"

"Unless you wanted to come all the way here just to stay in and watch Housewives, because I'm down for that too."

He smiled at her. "Where are you taking me?"

"Treasure hunting," she said.

"Treasure hunting?" he said, smirking. Even Julia was now looking at her like she'd lost her mind a little.

"Mhm," she said, standing and piling their plates on top of one another to take to the sink.

"So, how should I prepare for... treasure hunting?" he said.

"Good walking shoes," she said. "And... one of those long beepy thingies."

"A metal detector?" Joey said, barely concealing a laugh.

"Yeah, that. We need that."

"You know what, I'm not even going to ask," Julia said. "I have to get to work. What are you doing for dinner?"

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