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It's a fine Thursday morning as Jisoo cheerfully preparing breakfast, flipping bacons, and humming to a made up tune. While her wife Lisa is setting the table with a comb that's attached to her unruly hair.

"Baaabe!! My hair is extra frizzy today. Are you going to the mall?? Can you get me new conditioner? I don't think the ones that I've been using is effective anymore" Lisa said as she try to fix her hair and eventually gave up. Slumping and frowning to the chair , she sighs heavily.

Jisoo walking towards the dining table with her freshly cooked bacon and eggs, and of course Lisa's favorite bread toasts. She slowly put the plates into the table and kissed the top of her wife's head.

"Oh baby, here, let me help you with that." She moved the chair to the side for better access, now her wife is facing her. She then gently comb and smoothen her wife's while trying to surpress her laughter to the disaster of a hair lisa has.

Lisa wrapped her arms around jisoo's waist.

"Ahhh!! baby, slowly it hurts. Huhuhu" muttering onto her wifes tummy 

"Oh! I'm sorry, it's just that, it's extra stubborn today. Tangles everywhere. Told you, you should wash your hair regularly not just when you wanted to or when you remember it." Says Jisoo

"I do wash my hair regularly, it's just that sometimes I get lazy, and I always forgot to bring my dry shampoo to the studio" still burying her face in her wife's tummy

"Sometimes? How about you try and say once a week? Or every other week? " Jisoo teased while placing a soft kiss on top of Lisa's head.

Beeeep beep beeep .......

There's a loud honk just outside their house

"Oh!! it must be nayeon. Go get Love and dalgom, I'll say hi to her" Jisoo tapped Lisa's shoulder. and immediately walk outside to greet Nayeon.

Nayeon is their dog sitter. Everyday at exactly 7am she comes and honks to fetch their lovely babies Dalgom and Love.

"Morning Mrs. M!! Are the boys ready?? " Nayeon said, as she opens the back of the van, so the dogs could get in.

"Good morning too Nayeon! Yes! , they are, excited as always. Lisa just getting them and their things" jisoo says

After a moment two dogs rush outside and jump at nayeon who laughs at the overly excited creatures.

"Yah!! Everyone SIT!!!" nayeon says, in a clear and loud command voice.

Love and Dalgom immediately complied as they look up to Nayeon. Alert and steady.

Nayeon burst out laughing as she sees Lisa also sits alert and steady at the top of the stairs of their porch.

Jisoo nudge the back of Lisas head saying "What the fuck are you doing?!"

"She said everyone sit. So i sit, am i wrong?" Lisa turn to Nayeon with a puppy dog look, tilting to the side

Nayeon just shake her head, laughing

"Okay now boys, get in." The dog sitter commands

And the dogs rush to get in the van with their tiny bag packs on their backs.

"Laters Mrss M's. Be back at 5!!"

Jisoo wave looking like a proud mom, sending her kids to school. With other hand on her chest as she watch Nayeon drive off.

"Ooops!! Have to get going too, I have three new students coming in today!! It's good, it's good!! Business is good!!" Lisa says as she stands and slap her wife's ass before going inside of the house to get her things.

Lisa toss her gym bag into her car, her wife trailing behind her, when a big ass transfer truck park just opposite of the road.

"Ooh, new transfers, we have new neighbors" Jisoo said eyeing the truck

"Yeah, looks like lot of things too, that's a big truck! Anyway have to go baby, don't wannabe stuck on traffic. Kiss??" Lisa pouts

Jisoo chuckles and gives Lisa her kiss. And Lisa drives off leaving Jisoo intrigued at the commotion that's happening just across their street.

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