Four .2

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As Jennie place a delicate kiss on her fiance's lips, and practically strut out of the living room into the kitchen, Lisa cant help but stare in awe, damn how can someone be this hot, i mean who are this people. Are they even people? Lisa thought to herself.

"What a beaut right?? Lucky me" says Roseanne with a nasty smirk on her face snapping Lisa back to reality that she's been staring at the girls fiance.

"Oh! no. I mean yes she's a beauty that's obvious, and no, im not actually staring I'm... I..." Lisa muttered abruptly panic can be heard in her voice *shit*

Roseanne chuckles and shakes her head " Dude, calm down. Its fine. I mean im used to it. Like everywhere we go, everyone we meet, they're always admiring her, crushing over her, staring at her, I mean can I even blame them??" Roseanne smiles " I am actually proud standing beside her, proud that even everyone, I mean even a dog stares at her." She laughs "With everyone that's looking her, staring at her, but she is only looking at me. No other one. Just me. And that's what's important to me. To her, its just me. People can drool all they want, but the girl is mine. " Blonde grins with proudness in her eyes. Lisa cant help but envy.

" But imagine how many balls i cracked, to every catcalls she received. That's what I hate tho, so disgusting, so disrespectful. Anyways Lisa? I heard you're a dance instructor?" Roseanne ask which makes Lisa relax at the change of subject

"Yeah, I am. Just a couple of students. I do have a studio I own downtown. You guys should check it out, its cool, you know, if you want to learn how to dance. I can give you discount per sessions." Lisa says with proud and winked *fuck!! Did i just wink?? Come on!!!!!!*

"Yeah! Sure, I'll ask Jennie if we could swing by, she loves to dance, me on the other hand, i don't think so hahaha where is it located?"

"It's in the middle of the town exactly, top floor of the huge ass commercial and office building with Minatozaki plastered around it,  you cant missed it" Lisa snickered as she try to shake away the blush from the unwanted wink incident.

"Minatozaki building?? Oh yeah I noticed that one when we passed by, odd shape huh, weirdly odd. Really cant missed it"

" I know right? Somehow it is shaped like a penis. But they swear its a cactus, thought they mean.."

"Cocktus" they both said in unison that makes them laugh

"Jinx.. Greatminds think a like.. So how about you? What you do? If you don't mind?" Lisa ask

"Hmmm i get by with everything. Nothing to serious. You see i do vlogs. I do have a YouTube channel. I travel, you know be one with everything, everyone. Absorb and understand different cultures. And with every place i visit, i pick up some hobbies. Now I'm into sculpting."

"Oh?! YouTube? So you must have tons of followers then? Million perhaps?"

"I got a few" Roseanne bows her head smiling shyly "You? Do have any hobbies? Besides dancing?"

"I don't actually, but i do little small activities here and there, just to keep the youngness in my heart, how about we do one of those sometimes? Hit the arcade? Or there's this newly opened archery club, we can shoot arrows and be one with the great Katniss Everdeen"

"That's cool, yes, i would love to. Lets set that up sometime. So.. Hmmmm how many students you have? You must have been booked"

"Not really. I have a few, like maybe 10. Some couples and individuals. Its fun"

"I can imagine." Roseanne coughs

"Oh, you need a drink? Wait, where's the juice?" Lisa wonders "Jisoo?? Baby?? Where's the juice??!" Lisa yell to get the attention from the kitchen

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