Nineteen .1

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Jennie and Roseanne head straight to the hotel to position themselves at the upstairs roof. They sneaked in as electricians wearing dark blue coveralls. Soon as they got to the roof, they set up all the equipments they need, radio, tracking computer. They also make sure that everyone, every back up was in their position. They have someone posts as room keeper, a bell boy, a security and of course a guest.

They stripped off their coveralls revealing their for tonights operation outfit , every agents from their agency always look forward to what they wear. The two of them always make it seem like a fashion show or a movie for every operations they have. Jennie go against her usual color of her fits, she tone it down a bit, and just go with a simple white fitted tank top wrapped in holster belts, tucked in into a fitted cargo pants, and black highcut working boots. Hair in French braids tomb raider style. Roseanne on the other hand is wearing, well same as Jennie, black cargo pants but hers was loose, high cut Doc Martens. And for her top, just fitted midrib shirt, and a touch of dog tags for accessories.

Jennie pulls out the duffle bag that has their guns. She pulled out a shoulder holster and toss it to Rosie, which she caught one hand mid air. She then toss two Glock 19s on Rosie, she almost missed the last one. Rosie gave her a confused look but Jennie wasn't looking, she was busy fixing her holster strap, and then placing a glock 21 on her side and one at her back.

Jennie sat on the edge of the roof dangling her feet, looking up at the dark sky, taking a deep breath of cold air in.

"Careful there" says Rosie, while she plugs some wiring to their computer

Rosie came close to her, and sat beside Jennie. They both swinging their feet, admiring the extra pitch dark sky.

"You wore white today?"

"Well I feel like a change, plus it's not my spotlight tonight, toning it down a bit." Jennie took a deep breath "I'm worried for them, they're just..... They don't belong in this world... Its dangerous... They're good people."

"I know, but there's nothing we can do, they're already mixed up in this, things just gone spiral, out of control."

"I don't know what I will do if one of them get hurt, we should've been more careful, steer them away from... This..." Jennie exhales, placed her hands at her back and lean onto it.

"You care for them, I thought your just annoyed I blew our cover"

"Of course I was annoyed that you blew our cover, that's not was supposed to happen, like ever. And what's the purpose of being under cover?? To lessen casualties. They... They can be...."

"Stop, don't go there. We are here remember? We won't let that happen, in case, did you forget who you are? You are The Fucking Jennie Kim, next greatest hitman, well of course, it's me being THE greatest so, yeah! you really don't have to worry about them. We got this"

"Oh shiit, was it you? THE greatest? YOU?,  you who have to take at least three shots to finally be able to down one freaking monkey at the carnival" Jennie now smiles at the memory. Well not the smile that reached her eyes, she still worries "Let's not fuck this up, Rosie. I mean it. For them."

"We won't" says Rosie standing up, and offering her hand to Jennie

She pulled the brunette up, now facing eachother, chill wind blew making Rosie's hair go all over her face. Jennie smooths them out, then tucks some of Rosie's hair into the back of her ears, slightly caressing her now flustered cheeks.

"You should tie your hair. Up in a bun, for a more clean look and so that your hair won't get in the way" Jennie gave Rosie her spare ties and pins. As Rosie finished tying her hair just like Jennie did say, she turns to her and say

"So how do i look?"


Roseanne grinned at the comment. She then she turn Jennie around, making her back facing her, pulled her closer by the waist trapping the brunette into a tight back hug. She rest her chin on Jennie's shoulder,

"We didn't get to finished what we are talking about the other day, or if we ever talked at all" says roseanne burying her face at the crook of Jennie's neck

"Yes, we didn't, the house did blow up remember?" she sigh "I'm sorry if I'm too stubborn sometimes, we really need to have that talk, maybe, you think we should go back to you know, seeing that therapist?"

"Yeah, lets try that again, you still going to marry me right?"

"Well, I haven't changed my mind yet"

"I love you"

"I know, and I do too, much more"

Jennie turn around, facing Roseanne she then put her arms around her neck.

"You know I realized something last night, when I'm about to fry Kai's testicles. I know I may not be the best listener, but I can change."

Roseanne chuckles

"What?? You don't think i can?"

"I know you can. And you're proving that, everyday by being with me. Its just that, don't change too much, okay?"

Jennie then pulled Roseanne down a bit and kissed her passionately. The kiss that would mean Im sorry, I'll do better, a kiss that says I'm sorry lets do better. A kiss that proves I love you with all of you, with all of me and all the chaos and bullets we bring.

Roseanne pulled up, and breaks the kiss as she hears something in her in ears. She then goes to their equipment and adjust the volumes. With furrowed brows she tries to listen more intently

"How many minutes do you think we can get dressed again?"

"We got plenty of time"



"Fuck you're so hot"

"Take this off, careful Jennie said its expensive so"




Jennie and Roseanne eyes wide, shocked at what they are hearing

"What the fuck!! are they trying to have sex??" Jennie said still can't believe whats happening

"I think they're already are" Roseanne about to barf

"Turn in off!! I don't wannabe hear it!! Oh my god!!"

Roseanne looks at time

"Shit!! We don't have time for this, I have to communicate"
As she trying to connected their mics Jennie hold up her hand

"Oh! I think they're done. Yah, they're done." then she laughs " they really do it fast"

Roseanne shakes her head hiding her face into her palms. Jennie was just laughing

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