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It was already dark. Police and Firefighters are still in their area. House wreckage everywhere. Police interviewing, asking questions to everyone that's present when the explosion happened. They did also ask questions to Lisa and Jisoo, but they just said they don't know anything and that they haven't seen them since the backyard party. Lisa asked the police if what was the cause of explosion, and if there were signs of any living being, or body perhaps. The police just said that they cant say much since they still have to investigate it, and a gas leak was probably the cause of the explosion. They called Nayeon just right after the incident, to let the dogs stay with her for a while. They explained what happen in their neighborhood, and that they would come to collect them as soon as possible

As soon as the police left, Lisa close the closed and bolted it. She and Jisoo are both panicking now

"Whoever killed them, they are for sure coming after us next" Lisa stating a fact

"You think we did the right thing? By... By lying to the police?" Ask Jisoo burying her face in her hands

"We promised them that we wouldn't say anything" Lisa

"Do you think that promises count, baby, when the people that we made them to are dead??" Jisoo

"Yes!" Lisa stands her ground "Plus I don't wannabe be haunted." Lisa says in whisper

They are observing through the happenings out front, the Firefighters and police are about to leave.

"They've taken the barricades down" Lisa

"Oh, my God" Jisoo

"Alright, lets go and pack, but only the essentials. We are going to need our passports and birth certificates and well need some duct tape" Lisa said calmly

"GET SOME PEPPERCORNS, COFFEE, TEAS, GOLDFISH" Lisa suddenly screaming running like a maniac back and forth rummaging in the kitchen getting everything and putting it in a black plastic bag

"I'm going to take these onions here" Lisa put the onions in some bag

"No!! Baby, put the onions back, we really don't need onions" said Jisoo and putting the onions back into the bowl

"What? We need the onions, I need the onions, I have to line up for these at the fresh market" Lisa reasons


"Fuck! I can't choose" Jisoo said holding two different pictures of her and Lisa with Dalgom and Love from the refrigerator door

"Is this a weapon?" Lisa holding up a meat beater

"Ugh yeah! Or we can make chicken parma." Jisoo grins

Lisa keeps on running around in frantic, she opens the fridge and saw there's a lot of condiments she needed and she started sobbing saying how can she fit all of them in their suitcase. Jisoo came to her slap the senses out of her

"Baby! Calm down, we don't need them, get a grip!!" Then proceed to running with bags and bags in her arms

They were now in their bedroom packing clothes. Lisa practically throwing everything she can get hold of to her suitcase which obviously too small for all of her things, she starts sobbing again

"Where are we going?" Jisoo ask, who's having a hard time opening her pink suitcase

"I don't know just pack!!! I've never have tried running away before Jisoo"

If Lisa is just throwing everything in her suitcase, Jisoo on the otherhand takes her time

"Hmm I don't need these, Jennie said to throw these away" she's holding some of her overly flowery blouses and dresses "should I take a bikini too in case its gonna get hot??"

Lisa tripped over a pile of Jisoo's rejected clothes

"No!! Fuck bathing suits, we need socks!!! Shit! What are these clothes! I never knew you had these many?!! I thought its the same three clothes you always wear!" Lisa said as she tries to stand up from the flowery clothes that piled up on the floor

"We have to go now!! We have to go and get Love and Dalgom from Nayeons!!!!" Jisoo now panics as she thinks of their dogs.

In the midst of their screaming and running hysterically back and forth, the lights suddenly went out. And then there were more screaming from Jisoo and Lisa instantly drop to ground, trying to fit herself under their bed to hide. Jisoo try to steady her breathing, trying to compose herself

"You know what, it's probably just the fuse, you know? Because a house just exploded, it could just be a problem with the grid." Jisoo said mostly just convincing herself. Lisa stayed belly flat on the floor, hiding with only just half of her body under the bed.

"Maybe we should check the fuse box baby." Jisoo now starting to calm down, slowly catching her breath. Breathe in... Breathe out...

"Baby?? Baby?? Fuck! Lisa!! Stand up! We should go downstairs and check the fuse box!!" Jisoo kicked Lisa

"Can't you just go? I'll just stay here and pack" says Lisa, sitting up

"No, uhmm we.. We should come together, so you're not alone in here, plus, yyou know it better than I do. I could hold a light for you" Jisoo said her confidence in being brave abandoning her body

They went down arms linked, Lisa holding the light with shaky hands, scanning the downstairs living room to see if there's something nor someone lurking in the dark.

"Let's do this quick huh? So we can get back to packing and we can leave immediately" said Jisoo, her grip on Lisa's arm is getting tighter that it would definitely leave a bruise. They went straight down to basement where the fuse box is located, walking ever slowly.

They got down into the stairs to the basement, and just at the bottom of the stairs, Lisa open the fuse box, Jisoo shed some light to it, Lisa just flip the switched on and light turns back alive.

"It was just the circuit breaker" said Lisa now calm *whew*

And as they turn around a flash of horror was in their eyes


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